
Sep 09, 2011 13:32

Title: Reward
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Girl!Dean, Azazel and others
Warnings Non-Con, Dub-Con, Graphic Sex, Mentions of rape, forced pregnancy, general evil behavior, blood drinking
Prompt: Stockholm Syndrome
Summary: Another double prompt fill, this one from spnkink_meme. Azazel kidnapped Dean at age eighteen. He wasted no time in impregnating her with the first of his half-demon children. What followed - is not entirely what he thought would happen. It was better.

The windows had bars. Dean leaned against the frame, looking down into the bustling city below. She wasn't sure if it's New York, Chicago, or even some fabricated city in Hell down there. The apartment had nearly everything - save for a way of reaching the outside world. She took a deep breath of what fresh air there was, relishing more in the late afternoon sunlight than the breeze. It was early summer. It has been six or seven months since she's been caged here, she's not quite sure. Sometimes she woke up from a nap unsure if a whole night had gone by or just a few hours. Her stomach gave a low rumble and a moment later, she winced as she felt the presence behind her.

“You need to eat.” The man's voice, she supposed, was meant to be comforting, but Dean knew better.

“I know.” She also knew that Azazel wouldn't let her set foot in the kitchen.

The demon came over to her and wrapped his arms around her, resting his hands on her stomach. “I knew you'd be a fertile little thing.” He nuzzled Dean's neck, ignoring the fact she had tensed up. “Shame you didn't have as much enjoyment as I did in creating our son...” He kissed the spot behind her ear. “Perhaps when I plant our second you'll find pleasure too.” He tightened his grip. “Oh, I loved hearing you scream as I took you over and over.” He cupped her stomach, his breath hot against her neck. “How I would love to hear you beg for me to fuck you. Hear you beg for me to fill your womb up with my children.”

Dean wanted to pull away, wanted to run, wanted to throw herself out the window. She made a small motion to try and at least get out of the demon's grip, but her efforts were in vain.

“None of that, pet.” Azazel led her away from the window and over to the table, already set for two. “Our baby needs to eat.” He set her down in one of the chairs. “Stay right there.”

Dean nodded dumbly, her own hand moving to rest on her stomach, flinching as she felt the child within kick her. He would be born in another two or three months and something told her that she wouldn't be the one who raised him. Or if she was, she wouldn't have much say in his life. She couldn't hate the baby, as much as she tried. It was still part of her, half human - and she may have been trained since she was four to kill things like Azazel and the infant growing inside of her, she couldn't hate the baby. She licked her dry lips as Azazel returned to the room, setting down a plate full of fruit, cheese and vegetables in front of her.

“Eat up, little mother.” He smiled and sat down, resting his chin against his hands.

Dean picked up a slice of pear and slowly began to eat it. Her stomach rumbled again and she resisted the urge to stuff her face. Gone were the days of processed and fast food. Everything she was fed in this place was fresh, of high quality and always tasted good.

Azazel looked the young Winchester over. All of eighteen years old, he'd congratulated himself several times on lasting as long as he did from kidnapping her. Of course, the moment he'd had her in his grasp and no hope of that idiot father of hers finding him, he'd set about what he'd dreamed of doing since he caught sight of her at the age of eleven. He'd spilled his seed in her eight times before he finally impregnated her, Dean screaming each and every time. In retrospect, he rather wished he'd worked on getting the Winchester in his bed, rather than just taking her outright. Well, they would have more children and she would learn... by the time he was ready to sire a fourth child, he planned on her coming to his bed and riding him. “Still not talking much, are you?”

Dean looked up from her food, a piece of cheese halfway to her mouth. She slowly put it in her mouth and chewed. After swallowing she answered him. “What do you want me to say?”

Azazel smiled. “Aren't you sweet?” He picked up his mug of coffee and took a drink. “Worried about being a mommy?”

Dean had to hold herself to keep from shaking. “Ye...yes.”

He leaned over and kissed her cheek again, ignoring her shudder. “That's what I wanted to talk to you about today.” He took another sip of coffee. “I can't have you running after toddlers and preschoolers and what not... not since I plan to keep that womb of yours full as often as I can.”

Dean loosened her grip on herself and picked up the piece of cheese again. Azazel had given her that talk almost daily. “I know.”

“The babies will stay with you for six months...” He set the mug down. “Then they'll be raised by... selected individuals.”

“Meat suits.” Dean said more to her plate than to the demon.

“True... but that's the way of things.” He stood up. “Finish your meal.”

“Yes, sir.” Dean replied and went back to her food. She knew were Azazel was going. Sure enough, as soon as she'd finished eating, he returned with a nearly full brandy glass. She blinked once and then looked up at him, as if she would get a different command.

“Drink up, little mother.” Azazel smiled as Dean picked up the glass with little hesitation and started to drink from it. The first time he'd fed her demon blood, he'd had to hold her with his powers and force it down her throat. It only took two weeks of that before she would drink of her own volition. As he watched the thick red liquid disappear from the glass, he could feel the power radiating off his son, relishing in the nourishment. He'd not be leaving Dean alone tonight, he would hold her for hours, feeling his boy move inside of her.

Dean set the now empty glass on the table, absently licking at the flecks of blood still stuck to her lips. “I...”

“Yes, pet?” Azazel's eyes sparkled.

“Never mind.” She picked up her napkin and wiped her face clean.

“Is there something you want, Dean?”

“It...” She swallowed, figuring the worst Azazel can say is no. “Pie.”

“You want pie?” The demon was surprised it'd taken the girl this long to ask for her favorite treat. Then again, maybe she felt she had to earn it. “What kind?”

“I can have pie?” Dean was shocked.

“I think you've earned a little reward for being so good.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek again, noting that she didn't shudder - the demon blood kept her from resisting him. “What kind would you like?”

Dean thought a moment. “Strawberry rhubarb.”

“Can you wait until dinner tomorrow?” Azazel was going to enjoy her placid behavior for as long as he could tonight.

“Yes.” She gave him a very small smile. “I can wait.”

Azazel leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Good girl.” He stood up and carried her plate and empty glass from the room.

Dean knew the time for her to go into labor had to be close the morning she woke up and just couldn't summon up the energy to get out of bed. She leaned against the bedstead, thinking to herself that if she could just make it to the chair by the window, she'd be fine. She rested a hand on her stomach, rubbing it absently. “Guess you're a little tired too, huh?” She grasped the bedpost with both her hands and slowly, so slowly, got her feet to the floor. “It must be this heat...” She took one tentative step away from the bed and then another. She was halfway to the chair when a horrific pain ripped through her body and drove her to her knees.

“Guh...” Dean leaned against her hands, breathing hard as crouched on the floor. “Then again... maybe it...” Another spasm ripped through her and she felt her arms start to shake with the effort of supporting her. “oh...oh shit...” She didn't even register the door slamming open and Azazel coming into the room.

The demon came over to Dean, crouching down next to her. “Just as I expected...” He slid his arms under her and carried her back over to the bed to lay her down. “Little guy's decided to come a few days early.”

Dean whimpered. “Hurts...”

Azazel left a swift kiss on her forehead. “It's going to be just fine, little mother.” He left to summon others to help in the birth of his son.

Dean was so far gone in pain, she had no clue who was there and who wasn't. She knew someone was holding her from behind, letting her grasp his hands as she gave into the urge to push. The smell of blood was thick in the air and she couldn't remember ever being this hot before in her life.

Azazel felt Dean squeeze his hands again and he looked down at the demon kneeling at the foot of the bed. “How much longer?”

“Within the half hour.” She revered her gaze back to Dean. “She's doing so well.”

“Yes, she is.” He felt Dean squeeze her hands again. “That's it, little mother, get ready to start pushing.”

“So hot...” Dean whimpered, her head resting back against Azazel's shoulder. “Why's it so hot?”

“Not hot, pet.” Azazel kissed the side of her face. “You can cool off soon, little bit longer.”

“Hurts...” She whimpered again. “Can't I... pain killer..”

“It's too late for that, baby girl.” Azazel was certain the girl would have broken his hands with how hard she'd been holding them, had he been human. “It'll be over soon.”

The demon at the foot of the bed adjusted her stance. “On the next contraction, start pushing.”

Dean managed a weak nod and struggled to stay sitting. “O...okay.” She keep her breath as even as she could and as the pain hit her, she pushed as hard as she could.

“That's great, that's great.” The demon flicked her eyes to Azazel and then back to the spot between Dean's legs. “Just like that, Dean... you can do it.”

“I...” She panted through the next contraction, still pushing.

“I can see the head. He's coming.” Behind her surgical mask, the demon-midwife was beaming. “Another one like that, Dean, give me one more just like that.”

Dean thought for certain she was going to be split in two as she was certain she was more shoving than pushing the baby from her. She grasped Azazel's hands, vaguely aware of him humming against her ear.

“One more, Dean... just one more.”

Dean didn't know who had spoken those words, but she gave one last push and then a shrill cry rent through the air. Outraged. Confused. Scared. She felt back limply, still hearing that cry and wanting nothing but to soothe the infant. She watched through half lidded eyes, her body now supported by pillows instead of the demon, as the boy was cleaned and brought over to her.

“You did wonderfully.” Azazel settled the baby against his mother, his smile widening when he saw the look on Dean's face.

She loved the baby.

Dean didn't think anything could be wrong with her little boy. She watched as he placidly nursed from her breast, his eyes shut in contentment that he was perfect. Nothing about him looked demonic at all. He looked just like a normal, fully human baby boy. She brushed his cheek, smiling to herself as she set the rocking chair in motion with her foot. “He's hungry today.” She didn't have to look to know Azazel was in the doorway of the nursery.

“He had a healthy appetite.” The demon crossed the room and kissed her cheek, loving that she didn't pull away. “Like his mommy.”

Dean's smile slowly faded. “We still have to give him to the other parents, don't we?”

Azazel knelt down beside the rocker, watching his son nurse. “I'm afraid so, pet.” He put a hand on her knee. “But they won't be his mother and father. I won't let them have that title. Our little Reza will come back and see us.”

“It won't be the same.” She sighed softly.

“I know, pet...” He stood up and leaned over to kiss her cheek again. “You'll understand, some day.”

Azazel saw right away how despondent Dean was after Reza went away. The girl looked so lost, so sad and he loved every minute of it. He slipped silently into her room, watching her sleep. She'd been crying again. He set his robe on the floor and slid into the bed with her, untying the front of her nightshirt. Her breasts were still heavy with milk for a child she was no longer nursing. It'd be a shame to let it go to waste. Azazel flicked his tongue over her nipple, catching the first few drops of the wonderfully sweet liquid. He glanced up to see that Dean was still sleeping before he latched his mouth around her and began to suck.

Flavor exploded across his mouth as he drank deeply. He would do more than nurse at his concubine's breasts tonight. Tonight he'd fuck the girl until she was pregnant again, even if it took until tomorrow night. He kept sucking at the breast, tugging gently with his teeth. A gasp reached his ears and he chuckled, letting the nipple go with a soft pop. “You like that, pet?”

Dean nodded. “Ye...yes.”

“You want me to keep going?” He licked at her other nipple.

“Please...” Dean whimpered and then cried out again as she felt Azazel's mouth clamp down around her and suckle at her.

Azazel pushed the girl onto her back, his mouth never leaving her breast. His cock was rock hard between his legs and he had to fuck her, and fuck her now. He slid his hands up to jerk down her panties, ripping them in the process. He nudged her thighs apart with his hips and growled when the head of his cock found her entrance already wet with need. He let her breast go, milk still leaking from both nipples as he rose up on his hands over her. “You want something, don't you?” He slid the head of his cock inside of her and then withdrew it.

“Yes...” A rational part of Dean's brain was telling her to fight, to run, to not give in, but it was being silenced by need. “Please...”

Azazel chuckled softly, entering her again and pulling away, teasing her. “You want me to fuck you?”

“Yes.” Dean groaned as the demon leaned down and sucked at her breast again. “Please fuck me...”

“You want me to fuck you hard...” He teased her entrance with his cock. “Fuck you and fill you up with a baby, don't you?”

“Need...” Dean could barely think with Azazel drinking from her. It was strangely wrong and yet, highly erotic at the same time. “Need it...”

“You need me to fuck you?” Azazel leaned down over her, his breath hot in her ear. “You need my babies inside you?

“Yes...” Dean wasn't sure how else she could ask him, she could barely speak as it was.

“What a good little pet you are.” Azazel reared up and put his hands on her hips and drove his cock into her wonderfully wet and tight pussy. He moaned as he started to fuck her, hearing the girl's gasps of pleasure only spurred him on. He slid his hands up onto her back, bending her so he could reach down and suckle her as he took the willing girl, relishing in her cries. He knew that even after he got her pregnant this time, he'd have a very hard time staying out of her bed.


It was the last day of the Twentieth Century, even if those idiots had been saying that the century ended last year. Tomorrow, the year two-thousand one would start and with it, so many possibilities. Azazel stood on the roof of the building, looking down into the city below. He thought for a moment of Dean's birthday, a few weeks from now. She would be twenty-two. Of course, thanks to his clever work, she still didn't look a day over eighteen. He would eventually let her age a little, but the longer he kept her young, the more children the two of them could have. Underneath it all, he knew that Dean didn't really love him - their children yes, but not him. Probably never him. He'd never set out to directly brainwash her, but somehow, her fear and anger had turned to sympathy and compassion. Not that demons cared about such things as love, love was a petty, fleeting thing when it was between individuals. The only real love was that between parents and children. John Winchester hadn't done much in the way of looking for Dean, a fact that rather enraged him. Azazel expected a little aggression on Dean's behalf. No matter. Soon he'd have what he wanted and he might just wipe John's mind for the hell of it. John and that tramp of his in Minnesota could live a happy, long normal life and well, by the time all Azazel had all his ducks in a row, John would be a very old man.

He yawned in the early evening air and shifted to a few blocks from his home with Dean. Their third child, their third son, Jasper, had gone to live with his foster parents two weeks ago. The girl was getting depressed again. He was teasing her nightly - and enjoying every moment of it. He'd slide into her bed, nurse from her and then retreat to his own room without touching her elsewhere. It'd only be a matter of time before she came to him.

Just as he wanted her too.

Azazel stuffed his hands in his coat pockets, thinking. He was going to have to move Dean soon - she'd been in this city far to long. That old plantation house he'd been holding onto for years might do nicely for a new home for her. Plenty of room, she could go outside and get fresh air - and best of all, no one would ever find her there. He smiled at the thought of her sharing that huge bed in the master suite every night, watching her sleep, fucking her, holding her while she labored to give birth to their children. He wanted that. He needed that. He would give orders to have the house prepared for their arrival on Dean's birthday.


Dean got quietly out of bed and pulled her robe on. She had heard Azazel come into the apartment several hours ago, but had made no attempt to contact her. He'd been teasing her relentlessly these past few weeks. She hated it when he teased her. She looked out into the dark main room, the echoes of traffic and revelers from the New Year's celebrations carried up to her. She looked slowly around and, taking a deep breath crossed to the door of Azazel's room. She had only been in his room once before, the first few nights she was here. The multiple rapes she'd endured under him still haunted her nightmares, but things had changed. She was the mother of three of his children - Reza, Elizar and Jasper. Her boys. Jasper had been given to his foster parents several weeks ago and she missed him terribly. She was about to put her hand up to knock when the demon called out to her.

“You can come in, Dean.”

She took a deep breath and nudged her door open with her toe. “I'm not disturbing you, am I?”

Azazel looked up from the scrolls on his desk. “No, pet.”

She slipped into the room and shut the door behind her. “Are you angry with me?”

“Of course not.” He came over and kissed the top of her head, smiling. “Why would you think that?”

“I...” She felt her cheeks flush. “I thought...” It was hard to think clearly when the demon wasn't wearing a shirt - the sight of him even half naked was a bit of a turn on.

“Ah... I see.” Azazel was glad she couldn't see the self-satisfied look he gave her. “Feeling a bit... neglected, are we?”

“I don't want you to be angry.”

“I'm not angry, sweet.” the demon slid his hand down her back, resting it against her rear. “I'm hungry.”

He guided her over to a low stool and had her sit before he knelt in front of her and brushed her robe apart, smiling at the sight. “I don't think I'm ever going to get enough of these pretty tits of yours, Dean.” He wrapped his arms around her waist and suckled her.

Dean put a hand on the back of his head as he drank from her, loving the tug and pull of his lips and teeth. She let out a groan as she felt his hand slide onto her thigh. “You're teasing me again.”

Azazel let her nipple go, licking his lips. “Does my pet want to be fucked?”

Dean wet her lips, trying to think straight. “Yes.” She watched as the demon stood up and walked across the room, unfastening his jeans as he went. When he reached the bed, he pushed his pants and boxers down, kicking them away from him. That cock of his, hung heavy and erect between his legs. The cock that had both torn her apart in pain and in pleasure. Her panties, had she been wearing any, would have been soaked just thinking about it. She stood up, biting her lip. “I want to be fucked.”

The demon sat down on the bed, propping himself up on the pillows, smiling. “Then come over here, pet... and take what you want.”

Dean untied her robe, letting it fall onto the floor and went over to the bed, feeling no embarrassment as she stood naked in front of him. She climbed onto the bed, her legs straddling Azazel's hips, her hands resting on the heavy wooden bedstead. “Help me?”

The demon smiled and guided her hips down and Dean let out a harsh gasp as her pussy was filled with his cock. “Of course, pet.” And he started to move her hips with his hands.

Dean found her own rhythm and began to ride her lover's cock, her head thrown back as pleasure washed over her body. She needed this - she needed Azazel's fucking like she needed air.


Azazel never thought this would be possible. Dean's eyes were droopy with bliss as she drank his blood straight from his wrist. He stroked her hair with his other hand, smiling. “Tastes good, doesn't it, pet?” He wasn't surprised when she didn't respond - she was too far gone. He slowly withdrew his wrist, sighing softly. “Enough for now.” He kissed her forehead. “Rest.” Dean tiredly nodded and settled down, resting her head in his lap. It was a wonderfully warm spring day and the two of them were in their backyard, the scent of fresh mowed grass and flowers hung heavy in the air. He gently stroked Dean's hair as she fell asleep. “Beautiful, isn't she?”

“That she is.” The visitor stood a short distance away. “How many months is she? Eight?”

“Oh no...” Azazel ran his other hand over Dean's rounded belly. “Just five.” He set his hand flat against the surface, almost shivering from the power he felt under his palm.

“Pretty big for five, isn't she?”

Azazel looked over his shoulder. “Triplets, my boy... she's carrying triplets.”

The man let out a low whistle. “That explains it.”

“Come...” He motioned with his free hand. “Come and feel.”

The visitor knelt down in the grass, recognizing the spread blanket as a territory he wasn't welcome in and set his hand next to Azazel's on Dean's belly. The bolt of power that shot through his arm nearly knocked him flat. “Incredible. I take it the demon blood keeps the children from killing her.”

“Yes.” Azazel played with a strand of Dean's hair. “Though I plan on keeping these three. Oh, she'll have more after this... but she's been such a good girl for me, she should get to raise some of her children.”

The visitor moved his hand again, frowning thoughtfully. “Girls. All three of them.”

“Yes.” Azazel gave the man a pointed look and he withdrew his hand. “So nice of you to visit on your way to Vanderbilt. I thought you would be headed for Stanford.”

Sam Winchester chuckled. “Too many earthquakes for my taste.” He stood, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “Forgive me if I say how honestly surprised I am that you were able to completely erase Dean from memory.”

“It was fairly simple.” Azazel contented himself with stroking Dean's long blond hair. “You enjoying the normal life you asked for?”

Sam didn't hide his smirk. “You enjoying the prize I offered?”

“I'm enjoying it very well...” He looked up at Sam. “I think I like this method far better than the first.”

Sam crouched down again and pressed a kiss on Dean's forehead. “I bet she's a great fuck.”

“Oh, Sammy...” Azazel's eyes grew soft. “She is an incredible fuck.” He smiled. “Thank you.”

Sam stood. “You're welcome. May I come calling again once the girls are born?”

“Certainly, Sam...” He settled Dean's head against his thigh, loving the way she clasped his knee in her sleep. “I'm sure your nieces would love to meet you.”

Sam nodded once and turned from the pair, heading back up the yard to where the Impala waited. As he got into the car, he checked his eyes in the mirror. He had to blink a few times to get them back to hazel from their yellow tint. He offhandedly wondered if Dean's eyes were still green.

rating: nc-17, hc bingo, genre: porn, fanfic

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