Fic: Laced

Aug 21, 2011 15:38

Title: Laced
Rating: R
Pairing/Characters: Jared, Jensen - Jared/Jensen, mentions of Jeff/Misha
Warnings: BDSM - though no actual sex.
Prompt: Bruises
Summary: Another double prompt fill, this one for another prompt in the spnkink_meme: The Master’s birthday (Jared) is coming up so his sub (Jensen) decides to get a corset piercing as a present. The dom is thrilled and honored that the sub went through that much pain for them.

Jensen yawned under the shower spray and rubbed his face. He usually woke up before his master did, but Jared had an important meeting today at work, so the alarm had gone off at some ungodly hour and he'd not woken up his sleeping lover. He picked up his bottle of shampoo and upended it. Master always liked it when he was clean, even if they wouldn't see each other until the end of the day. After finishing washing himself, Jensen turned the water off and wrapped a towel around his waist. He brushed a second towel across the mirror and smiled at his reflection. Things hadn't always been this good in his life. Jensen's last master had been down right abusive - so much so the relationship ended when Jensen wound up in the ICU. Some of his friends thought Jen would give up the whole lifestyle, but deep down, it was never about the pain, about the control, or even the rough sex. Jensen needed the relationship to feel safe. When Jensen stopped feeling safe around his last dom, Mark, and tried to leave, Mark had gone ballistic and turned his rage on Jen.

Jensen shook his head to clear it and finished getting ready for the day. While he got the safety and love that he wanted from Jared, in turn, he gave Jared what he needed. Jared had grown up in a family that moved constantly, where he had no control over anything at all. Even now with order and evenness in his life, Jared needed something to keep control over, it helped him stay focused. Jensen had no issues with being the constant in Jared's life. He didn't even mind having to be the 'housewife' type - since he worked as a ghostwriter, he'd always done that anyway. Truth be told, being controlled took so much pressure off of him. He went into the bedroom and got dressed in a comfortable pair of jeans and a loose button up shirt after replacing the barbel studs in the piercings on his nipples. That had been Jared's birthday gift to him a year ago. Jensen had wanted them for a long time, but hadn't quite worked up the nerve until last March. The studs he was wearing today had been this year's Valentine's gift, stainless steel with an aquamarine on one end.

He turned around from his dresser, chuckling to himself when he look at the condition of the bedroom. Throw pillows were scattered everywhere, discarded clothing and other items were lying around. He and Jared hadn't really wanted to pick up their toys after last night's game, which had consisted of him getting teased mercilessly with that riding crop Jared was so damn fond of, Jen was considering finding someone to engrave it for him. Then again, after they'd spent a good hour having sex, sleep had seemed way more important than cleaning. Still smiling, Jensen fastened his thin leather everyday collar around his neck and set about cleaning the room, including changing the sheets on the bed. Today was Jared's birthday and Jensen was planning on making it a special one. After setting the last pillow on the bed, he looked around the room once more, checking that nothing was out of place and then went down to the kitchen. Jared had been adamant he didn't want a party and Jen had been all to happy to oblige him in that regard. The two of them would have a nice dinner together and then spend the rest of the night doing... well, Jen wasn't sure if he'd be up to much tonight. It wasn't that he wouldn't love to go to bed after birthday cake and just spend the night making love with Jared, but he already had a plan.

Jensen poured himself a cup of coffee and flipped on the radio in the kitchen so he could listen to the news while he worked on making the cake. Party or no party, Jensen was going to make sure Jared had a real birthday cake and not some frozen knock-off from the store. Once the chocolate cake was in the oven and baking, filling the kitchen with a heavenly smell, he set the table in the dining room, complete with candles and put the bottle of champagne he'd bought last week into the fridge to chill. He leaned against the counter, slowly drinking from his second cup of coffee, checking the time. He had to leave the house once the cake was finished baking.

He glanced at the time and pulled his cell-phone from his pocket. It was just after ten-thirty, his regular 'check-in' time with Jared. Jensen knew that it was more of the control issue, but in a way, he thought it was rather sweet. Jared would always leave him a note on the fridge or tell him if they got up at the same time if he would be busy at the usual time. Jensen could hear Jay's phone playing the custom ring tone for his cell in his mind - The Beatles's Paperback Writer - as he took another sip of coffee.

“Hello, Jen.” Jared's voice was warm and relaxed, a sign he was having a good day.

“Happy Birthday, Jay.” Jen walked over to the oven and flipped the light on to check the cake. “How are you?”

“I'm good, glad you called.” There was a shuffle of noise and Jen heard Jared tell someone in his office thanks and to bring him some other file. “This morning is proving to be monotonous... having to double check everything we've been doing for the past month.” More shuffling. “You get any writing done this morning?”

“Not tried... but my deadline isn't until the end of next week and I'm already over the minimum number of pages for the story.” He took a sip of coffee. “Lunch is still out, right?”

“I'm afraid so...some meeting times should just be outlawed.” There was a soft click and Jensen knew Jared had shut the door of his office. “We don't get to have lunch together during the week very often, baby.”

Jensen smiled at the endearment. “I know. Anything in particular you want for your birthday dinner?”

“Oh, I can think of a few things...” There was another shuffling sound. “I was thinking of whip cream and strawberries.”

He chuckled in response. “That's not going to be enough for you, even if you eat a whole pound.”

“You don't have to go to a lot of trouble, Jen. Much as I love your cooking and seeing you walk around the kitchen in nothing but an apron, I think we may just order pizza... though if you want to wear that one little thing of yours...”

Jensen coughed. “That could be arranged.”

“I should be home a little after six... we'll order when I get back, in case the traffic is horrible.”
“Sounds great.”


Jensen rested his head on the thin pillow, his arms draped over the sides. The first time he'd gone to see Patrick, Jared had been here with him. After a lot of research and talking things over with the man, Jensen had finally worked up enough courage to come in for more piercing work. Jared had never asked him to get a corset piercing, but Jen never forgot the look on his dom's face the first time he'd seen one on another sub. It'd been on a woman, but still... Jen could still remember the plaid ribbon wound through the hoops and how it matched the skirt she was wearing. Of course, the piercing would take a good time to heal and would need a lot of care, but Jen didn't mind. He wanted to do this for Jared, to make him happy. And if going through this pain and walking around shirtless for the rest of the summer, well.. hell.

“Comfortable?” Patrick asked as he started to clean Jensen's back with sterilizer.

“I guess so.” Jensen glanced up at him. “I have to come in next week to have this checked, right?”

“Yeah.” He adjusted the towel on Jensen's side a little. “We just put in the studs today. Those stay in for six weeks - I don't recommend putting in the loops until then.”

Jensen nodded and closed his eyes. “Is ten pretty standard for these things?”

“Pretty much.” Patrick set the tray of sanitized studs closer to him and picked up the needle. “You ready?”

“As I'll ever be.” Jensen swallowed hard. “I'll try my hardest not to tense up.”

“Well, you're pretty much a noodle at this point, given the local gave you.” He pinched Jensen's side. “You feel that?”

“No.” Jensen said, blinking. “It's when it wears off it'll be bad, right?”

“Uh huh.” Patrick looked over the even parallel lines of dots running along Jensen's back and pressed the tip of the needle into the lowest one on his left side. “Here we go.” He said as he pressed the sharp instrument through Jensen's skin, a thin trickle of blood sliding free from the wound.


Jared arrived home at six-fifteen on the dot and was immediately struck by how quiet the house was. “Jen?” He set his briefcase on a kitchen chair, confused. The room was heavy with the scent of cake and sure enough, he found the iced confection sitting on top of the stove. He checked the shared office, empty - as was the TV room, the playroom in the basement and since Jensen's car had been in the garage, Jared knew he was home. He chuckled to himself as he mounted the stairs, heading for the master bedroom where no doubt, Jen was probably being quiet for a reason to surprise him with a bubble bath or a quickie before they ordered dinner. He nudged the door of the room open. “Jen?” Panic set in when he heard a whimper come from the bed. He turned the light on and promptly gasped in shock. Jensen was lying on the bed, shaking with either cold or pain - and the cause of the later was clear. Two lines of metal studs now graced his back, the skin around them were a mass of bruises, many of them already settling into a horrific shade of greenish-black. “Jen!” He crossed over to the bed and sat down, stroking the man's hair, too frightened to touch his back. “What have you done to yourself?”

Jensen blinked, teary-eyed up at Jared. “I... didn't think it'd hurt his much.” He sniffled. “I... wanted... corset... for.... you...”

Jared adjusted himself so Jen's head was in his lap. “You went and got a corset piercing for me?”

He nodded in reply. “I'm sorry.”

“No...” Jared stroked his cheek gently. “Don't be sorry.” He couldn't believe that Jen would go through something like this just for him. “I love it.”

“Sorry I... not up to much tonight.” Jensen swallowed, hating his tears. “Ruined your birthday.”

“It's not ruined, Jen.” Jared leaned down and kissed him softly. “I get to spend time doing one of my favorite things. Taking care of you.” He smiled. “I'll go get some ice and see if that helps some. Did you already take some pain killer?”

“Some Advil, but that's it.” Jensen swallowed. “Didn't want to fall asleep before you came home.”

“I'll be right back.” He set the man back down on the bed and hurried down to the kitchen to fill a bucket with ice. When he opened the fridge to grab some bottles of water, he caught sight of the bottle of champagne cooling inside. Jared sighed softly and glanced at the cake across the way, along with the small crock-pot that he knew was full of hot fudge. Jen had tried so hard to make this day special for him and probably hadn't expected to be floored by his surprise for him. Jared closed the fridge and went back upstairs, setting the water on the bedside table and, after grabbing a towel from the bathroom, settled back down on the bed.

“Hurts, Jay.” Jensen set his head on Jared's thigh, holding onto his knee. “Didn't' think it would hurt this much.”

Jared picked up an ice cube and set it against the most horrific of the bruises, drawing a hiss from his lover. “Ssh... I know, I know...” He stroked the man's hair with his free hand. “Just relax, Jen.” He gently ran the ice over the area, feeling the tension melt a little from Jen's body. “You see Patrick for this?”

“Yeah.” Jen whimpered again. “I thought this out, wasn't just a spur of the moment idea.”

“I know it wasn't, baby.” He flinched as he saw the redness around the piercings, hoping the two of them would be able to keep them clean and free from infection. “I hope you didn't go to have this done alone.”

“'Course not. Jeff took me.”

Jared nodded at the name. Jeffrey was a fellow dominant. He'd actually been the one to introduce the pair, as Jen was good friends with Jeff's sub, Misha. “He and Misha have to carry you up here?”

“They helped me up... I wasn't this bad when I first came home.” He let out a breath. “Jeff didn't want to leave me alone, but...I sort of insisted.”

“I'm surprised he didn't call and tell me what was going on.” Jared wasn't sure if he should be angry with his friend or not. He picked up a fresh piece of ice and ran it along another purplish bruise.

“Was a surprise... the bruises... they just sort of came out as the local was wearing off.” He coughed. “Might not be so bad in the morning.”

“I hope not... we'll get some cold compresses for your back for tonight. Guess it's a good thing you sleep on your stomach, huh?”

Jensen coughed. “Yeah. Never could have done this otherwise.”

“You got instructions on how to take care of this, right?” Jared got another piece of ice.

“Yeah, should be on the table.” He looked up at his master. “I guess I should have asked you about this before I did it.”

“No... no it's okay.” Jared kept stroking his hair and rubbing ice on his lover's back. “I just didn't think you'd go through this kind of pain for me.”

“Love you.” Jensen rubbed his cheek against the soft material of Jared's pants. “Wanted to do this for you.”

“Sweet Jen.” He let out a soft sigh. “You going to feel up for eating a little something?”

“Yeah.” Jen smiled wanly as he felt Jared run an ice cube up his spine. “Not much... but yeah, I could eat.”

Jared smiled and leaned down to kiss Jen again. “We'll have a little carpet picnic in here, how about that?”

“Whatever you want, Jay.”

“I've already got that, baby.” He picked up a fresh piece of ice. “I've got you.”


The next morning, Jared gently removed the cool compresses he'd put on Jensen's back the night before, relieved to see that most of the swelling had gone down. While his back was still a mass of bruises, the raw, red look was gone. He heard the man whimper softly in as he retrieved the bottle of peroxide and began to clean the skin around the studs. “That hurt?”

“A little.” Jensen blinked once or twice. “I'm supposed to make coffee.”

“It's okay. I told you that I'd take care of you. Get these cleaned a little, then we'll take a shower and have some breakfast. I don't have to be at work until later. You just take it easy today, you hear?”

“I hear.” Jensen smiled.


The routine continued for the next six and a half weeks. Every morning when they rose, Jared would gently clean the piercings on Jensen's back, hating the moment when he had to rotate the stud, causing his lover to whimper in pain. The bruising, unfortunately, continued for several weeks, but with the help of ice and cold compresses, the swelling never got to bad. Jared knew that Jen suffered a lot more for the ornamentation than he let on. He saw it in Jen's stiff way of walking, the way he started crying if too much pressure was put on his back and how he couldn't do a lot of strenuous physical activities. It got better as time went by, but it wasn't the same. Even though it'd played havoc with their sex life, Jared didn't care. Jen was doing something for him every moment of every day and that alone somehow made up for it. Jared didn't even mind that sex had basically become a lot of hand and blow jobs for the pair of them while Jen's back healed. Sometimes the anticipation was the best part of anything.

Jared returned home on his and Jensen's anniversary to find the house full of the smell of something delicious. “I'm home, Jen.”

“Welcome home. In the dinning room.” Jensen's voice called out to him from inside the house.

“Something smells incredible, what's for dinner?” He set his briefcase on the kitchen table, glancing around at the various pots and pans on the stove and in the sink. He washed his hands and stepped into the doorway of the next room and drew in a sharp breath. Jensen was sitting with his back to him, in a low stool that usually was tucked behind the bar. He was wearing a pair of loose jeans and was barefooted. What really caught his attention was his lover's back. The studs now had loops in them and threaded through them was a black satin ribbon.

“We're having pasta.” Jensen said calmly. “Nothing to fancy though...”

Jared came over to the table and tilted the man's chin up so he could look him in the eye. “That's fine.” He set a hand on Jensen's back, above where the piercing started. “I don't intend to spend a lot of time eating tonight.” He smiled. “Though I may just spend much of the night gazing at the incredible adornment on my beautiful slave.” He brushed the man's cheekbone with his thumb. “Let's eat... I intend to have you at least once before dessert.”

Jensen shivered at the thought and leaned into Jared's palm. “Whatever you want, Master.”


Every year, Jeff hosted a winter party for his friends in the BDSM scene. Jared and Jensen always went, of course. The group was just eight couples and they all knew each other in some way, but Jared was particularly looking forward to this year's party. He picked up the ivory colored ribbon as Jensen sat down in front of him on a stool, smiling contentedly. The bruises were a distant memory as Jared started to thread the ribbon through the loops of the piercings. “So pretty, Jen.” He nuzzled the man's neck. “Everyone is going to be staring at us.”

“You love attention, Master.” Jensen smiled as he felt the ribbon being pulled taut. “And I love to make you happy.”

Jared smiled as he tied the ribbon in a bow at the base of Jensen's spine. “Won't let anyone touch it, that's for damn sure.” He opened the box on his dresser and pulled out a thick black collar, one that had a design of metal lions on it and kissed the back of Jen's neck before fastening it. The thick steel ring fell into the hollow of his sub's throat. “Okay?”

Jensen nodded and tilted his head up for another kiss, which Jared gave him. “May I ask a question, Master?” Jen never called Jared him anything but that once he was wearing a collar that his master had placed on him personally.

“Of course, slave.” He tugged at the piercing on Jensen's nipple, he was wearing those wonderful ones he'd given him for Valentine's Day again.

“Do you think we'll make it through the whole party without stepping out for some alone time this year?” Jensen blushed faintly when he said it.

“Hmm...” He helped his slave stand and looked him over as he picked up the leash that matched the collar and fastened it. “If we don't hurry, baby... I don't think we'll make that party at all.”

“Don't want to miss that, Master.”

“No.” Jared set his arm around Jensen's shoulder and led him from the room. “Not when I have to show off the pretty decoration you gave me for my birthday.” He kissed his cheek. “Though I'm willing to bet we might be spending the night at Jeff's.”

“That's fine, Master.” He replied as they went down to the car. “Misha has been asking me how to make that breakfast scramble for a while now.”

Jared chuckled darkly. “Well, I suppose it's only fair to return the favor since he taught you how to make that decadent cheese soufflé.” They got settled in the car and he leaned over to kiss Jensen softly. “Love you, slave.”

Jensen smiled. “Love you too, Master.”

rating: r, hc bingo, pairing: jared/jensen, fanfic

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