Holiday Bakestravaganza

Dec 17, 2008 10:01

Thanks to all those who commiserated with my wheezy woes earlier this week. For the record, I broke down and started a course of the steroids, which has improved my breathing tremendously. Better yet, the weather is cooperating for once, and we got a nice amount of snow last night. Between the lovely, snow-covered landscape and my improved health, I'm overflowing with high energy and good cheer, which I'm channeling into finishing all the obligations I couldn't manage earlier.

In other words, I'm so merry that I can hardly stand myself. I'm dancing around my kitchen, listening to Christmas carols, up to my elbows in butter and sugar, squeezing in more writing every time I get a new batch in the oven.

So, my baking plan of attack so far, including progress:


Sweet and Salty Paradise Bars
Chocolate Toffee Bars
White Chocolate Raspberry Bars
Peppermint Chocolate Chip Cookies
Brewer's Blondies (from my new Baked cookbook)


Millionaire's Shortbread DONE
Dipped Gingersnaps
Cherry-Rum Kisses DONE
Midnight Espresso Cookies, sandwiched with Espresso Buttercream (In progress)

~considers~ With luck and diligence, I might actually be able to knock these out before the first of my guests arrives tomorrow. That would be a win.

In the meantime, in keeping with my sweet mood, I have to direct your attention to the Cake Nouveau Bakery, which is a local business in Ann Arbor and was recently featured on the Cake Wrecks blog--for its excellence, not for wreckitude. Their website is absolutely yummy-looking (have fun with the Virtual Tasting), and the cakes are not only lovely, but really witty and clever. I can't link to individual ones, but just take a look at the cake gallery there and you'll see what I mean. The first page has more traditional (but lovely) stuff, but don't miss the Alice in Wonderland cake under their "Most Recent" tab, or their interpretations of Snow White, or Toy Story, or the Jungle Book and the Lion King. They're all winners. HP fans will want to check out the fourth page of cakes, where there's a giant Golden Snitch cake, complete with wings (OMG!), and Buffy fans will be pleased with the Buffy-themed cake there as well, complete with an appropriately placed stake. :D (Fandom and cake. What could be sweeter?)

Oh, and for the fashionistas and shoe-lovers out there? I've never seen Prada and Coach bags reproduced so beautifully, yet edibly. Gah, and I haven't even mentioned the giant burger cake, or the sushi roll... well, you'll just have to go and see, won't you?

holidays, baking, real life

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