5 (or More) Reasons Life is Better Today

Dec 11, 2008 19:02

1. I'm done! I'm done! :D One major source of stress has been alleviated, at least until the new year rolls around, and I can bask in the (temporary) glow of accomplishment. ~dances~ Now I can down to the business of catching up with all the things I should be doing (writing, baking, Christmas shopping, planning, OMG), not to mention the things I WANT to be doing. My troubles have not all magically poofed away, to be sure, but I'm feeling a lot more capable of vanquishing them tonight. Oh, that's a good, good feeling. Hope is wonderful. :-)

2. In celebration of the good feelings, I indulged in an impulse buy at Target and got myself a copy of The Dark Knight, which I have not yet seen but can be reasonably certain that I will enjoy. That's something to look forward to watching this weekend, especially as a reward for ticking a few more Must Do items off my list.

3. I was mistaken for an eighteen-year-old today. Seriously. Now that's a welcome ego boost, even if I think the person in question must be in need of new glasses. *g*

4. morethansirius's Christmas Card arrived today, and ho ho holy crap, that is one fabulous view! Now I have what every woman secretly wants for Christmas: two naked Slytherins to ogle. (Thank you so much, morethansirius.)

5. I'll be seeing the godkids this weekend, which means that I can revel in laughter and giggles and unselfconscious joy, and I can spoil them crazy, and then I can send them home to their parents. Hee, being an aunt is fun.


6. I just scored a whole free case of coffee! Ooh, now that there's fuel for many a writing session...

7. Ah, and I forgot to mention that I finally got my voting for the SS/HG Awards done! I'm glad it's done, but oh, I agonized. After really looking everything over, I'm in awe of all the wonderful writing that's in this ship, from drabbles to epics to darkfic. I'm pretty realistic about my own chances, but considering how much I admire all the other stories and authors, the nomination is truly its own reward. :D Good luck to all the nominees, and if you haven't done it already, get out and vote for your faves!

real life

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