You'll Never Watch Pulp Fiction the Same Way Again...

Apr 15, 2008 13:27

Right, I am still very behind, but I would be remiss if I didn't point this out to everybody who hasn't already seen it. It made me laugh until I hacked!

Highly recommended for those who enjoy both Shakespeare and Tarantino, or really just for anybody who enjoys amazing cleverness: If Shakespeare wrote Pulp Fiction, it might sound something Read more... )


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Part two of Dates and things... lithiumdelusion April 16 2008, 00:41:06 UTC

Snape lifted his menu and all but buried his head behind it. Jill stifled a sigh, feeling his walls coming back up, and stared blankly at her own menu. I had him for a moment, she thought. For just a second there, he wasn’t hiding everything from me.

Jill gazed over the top of her menu at her date. It had taken all of her considerable charm to get him to agree to go out with her. She grinned as she remembered the look on Leon’s face when she had shown up at the door to Snape’s small apartment; an expression that was torn between laughter, ‘someone-please-shoot-me-now,’ and ‘is that level of lovesickness contagious?’ She’d have to remember to thank him later for helping her drag Snape out on a date ( ... )


Re: Part two of Dates and things... bluestocking79 April 16 2008, 04:39:33 UTC
SQUEEEEEEE! OMG, you have made me oh-so-happy tonight! Thank you, sweetie! ~hugs you with germy but enthusiastic hugs~

I just love this whole scene--Snape's nervous awkwardness, Jill's excitement, her desire to be a woman for once and not just Lea's mom. It's perfect, and it reminds me of why I like the idea of these two together so much. I especially adore the bit about the wine, too, because wine snob!Snape is totally canon. I assume Minerva's supplied them with some Elf-Made Red? *g* I like Jill's reminder that he's not as isolated as he thinks he is, too.

I could go on and on about this, but the bottom line is that it brightened up a grueling day and put a huge grin on my face. :D Thanks again for the thoughtful, fantastic present. What a lucky girl I am!


Re: *ahem* more Goodies! lithiumdelusion April 16 2008, 05:16:22 UTC
You're more than welcome, luv. I'm only glad you enjoyed. I know when I feel wretched, it helps to know that people care. You've mentioned Snape being a bit of a Wine snob, so I ran with it. And I knew you'd know exactly which wine she brought!

You said you wanted the two of them on a date, and this is what my brain came up with.

Speaking of coming up with things, the other day after therapy, my therapist was kind enough to rub my shoulder to ease the pain in it. I melted. And since I was still in Wanderlust mode, I wrote some thing else for you. Some sheer silliness called "Of Footrubs and Foxes..."


"Of Foxes and Footrubs..." lithiumdelusion April 16 2008, 05:17:39 UTC

A/N: You could slot this in after the little Snape birthday fic I wrote you, where Leon had run over Snape's foot.

Jill tried to stifle a giggle, but failed miserably as a single dark eye rolled to focus on her. “Why a-are you laughing?”

Jill bit hard on her bottom lip at the slurred, drugged sound. I am not going to laugh. I am not going to laugh. I am not going to tell him he looks like a kitten drunk on its mother’s milk. I like my skin right where it is, thankyouverymuch!But no amount of mental control was going to keep the smile off her face at the sight of the sober and far too-tightly wound Snape sprawled on the couch in D’s sitting room, one arm dangling limply off the edge with fingers just brushing the faded Persian carpet ( ... )


Re: "Of Foxes and Footrubs..." bluestocking79 April 16 2008, 16:16:54 UTC

You have no idea how much I love drugged!Snape--not a lot, I mean, just a little woozy/tipsy/vulnerable. And wow, what a footrub! Lucky man, even if he doesn't get why the joke is so funny. ;-) It seems very right to me that when his inhibitions are lowered, Snape is really, really appreciative of Jill's... er, handiwork. *g*

And of course I adore Ten-chan being his usual mischievous self! That's so perfectly him, being a clown and a rascal at the same time.

Thank you again for this! I hope your shoulder is starting to improve, even though I'm sure PT is a real pain. I have a doctor's appointment in about an hour, so I'll get a chance to see how I'm improving. I feel like I am... just not as quickly as I like. But then, maybe I'm just too demanding.

(Maybe I'm just like my father, 2 bold...)


Re: "Of Foxes and Footrubs..." lithiumdelusion April 16 2008, 23:29:32 UTC
(Maybe I'm just like my mother, she's never satisfied....)

Thank you, yes, it is improving, slowly but surely. Glad to hear you're doing a bit better yourself (referring to recent post) even though it's no fun with your chest congested like that. Been there, done that. Today I have no voice, only a squeaky thing that sounds like Mickey Mouse on Speed and a raw feeling throat, but the weather's been even more spastic than usual and that may well be the cause. It was 40 and foggy last night. It had been about 75 when I got off work. *shrugs*

Glad you enjoyed this. It was written under the influence of Loritab and massage... a deadly combination. I imagine Snape returning from the hospital with his muscles in knots and Jill offering to help.

Ten, as usual, kind of snuck his way in there and had a lot to say about the proceedings without even opening his mouth. He couldn't resist a chance to tease Jill.

Hmm, Snape did seem quite appreciative of Jill's skills. Did I write him as too uninhibited? Snape is hardly my forte.


Re: "Of Foxes and Footrubs..." bluestocking79 April 17 2008, 01:48:30 UTC
(Why do we scream at each other? This is what it sounds like when doves cry...)

Glad to hear your shoulder is improving! I'm sorry about the allergies; I'm having problems with those, too. The up-and-down weather is horrible for them. Believe it or not, it was right around 70 here today, when only days ago, it was in the thirties.

I don't think Snape was too uninhibited at all! He was drugged and in pain, after all, and with Jill, too, so he was more relaxed. I can see him as being very responsive in that situation.

And I think you write Snape better than you think you do. :-)


Re: "Of Foxes and Footrubs..." lithiumdelusion April 17 2008, 02:34:38 UTC
Heh. Thanks for the vote of confidence from one of the best Snape writers around. I have very little confidence in how I write him.

He was drugged and in pain, after all, and with Jill, too, so he was more relaxed. I can see him as being very responsive in that situation.

And with that a smut-bunny just hopped right in through the window. *facepalms*

Yeah, it's no fun. I'm really good friends with my bottle of Cloraseptic right now. Stuff tastes vile, but it does numb the throat like nothing else.

Hope you feel better.


Re: "Of Foxes and Footrubs..." bluestocking79 April 17 2008, 02:57:45 UTC
I'd be a lot better if the Red Wings were winning this game! ~hates Nashville~

one of the best Snape writers around.

~blushes~ You're too kind! I really do like the way you write Snape, you know.

You'll probably hate me for this, but I'm cheering for the smut bunny! :D

Ugh, I hate it when my throat gets that sore. I think Halls makes a super extra-strength lozenge that really helps with very sore throats; I seem to recall downing a lot of those the last time I had tonsilitis.


Re: "Of Foxes and Footrubs..." lithiumdelusion April 17 2008, 03:46:40 UTC
I could never hate you, smut-bunnies notwithstanding. I'll enlist Kita for help with the smut, she grins and giggles and doesn't turn the color of an over-ripe tomato. XD ( ... )


Re: "Of Foxes and Footrubs..." bluestocking79 April 17 2008, 04:04:14 UTC
~hugs~ That is... I'm not sure I can even tell you how nice a thing it is, what you've said, but just know that I'm sitting here with an enormous and silly grin on my face. You're one in a million, and I'm flattered to death by your assessment and your compliments ( ... )


Re: "Of Foxes and Footrubs..." lithiumdelusion April 17 2008, 04:28:38 UTC
It's only the truth. You make someone, who was often made to look the fool by his own creator, into a believable person, with all the foibles, failings and strengths therein. In your hands he is just that, a person. Not a few words on paper (Or screen)to describe a character, but a living, breathing individual with wants and needs and fears.

I tend to (once I have a feel for a character)zealously guard my image of them. I'm rather loyal that way. I'm fiercely loyal to your version of Snape.

You captured me with your first drabble on PSOHdrabble. You are an astounding writer and I will be among the first to tell someone what I think of their skill and/or lack thereof.

You will manage to finish that draft and it will be, as usual, a work of literary art. I have that confidence in you.

Thanks for the advice. I've been nursing cup after cup of green tea with honey and lemon and that does seem to help a bit. I'll try the vinegar before work tomorrow.

Your whole mouth was numb? Wow. I might have to try one of those.
Hall's, you


Re: "Of Foxes and Footrubs..." bluestocking79 April 17 2008, 05:08:52 UTC
~hugs again~ It still makes me feel wonderful, dear. You have no idea how much it's already helped me on this draft! I'm actually halfway proud of it, I think. Maybe. I can't tell you how much easier it is to dare when I know that you're out there and believing in me. :-)

Tea with lemon and honey is always a good choice for a sore throat! The cough drops were definitely Halls, and they came in a plastic box, rather than a bag. They might be called Halls Max; I'm not sure. Wallgreens or any local drugstore chain might have their own generic version of them, too. They're loaded with, basically, topical anesthetic, so yes, they make everything they touch numb.


Re: "Of Foxes and Footrubs..." lithiumdelusion April 17 2008, 05:22:09 UTC
I'm actually halfway proud of it, I think. Maybe. *pokes you* Now don't let the perfectionist in you go overboard...

"Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around..." Believe that I do believe in you. Still one of the best writers around...

Yeah... Tea does help, though I'll regret it later when I'm waking up every five minutes to run to the Ladies room. I have to go the therapy in the morning and stop at CVS to pick up my prescription, so I'll look for the Halls when I'm there.


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