Happy Birthday, Severus!

Jan 09, 2008 12:22

To Severus Snape: may he live long in our imaginations, may he enjoy his mountains of tribute, and may fanfiction give him the consideration his creator never did! Thanks to his legions of fans, I've no doubt that Snape will live to sneer, sulk and have hot, passionate sex find true love and a purpose in life for many, many years to come.

And so, I urge you to raise your glass, whatever might be in it.

It could be a glass of blood-red, elf-made wine (all the Potions Masters dig it).

It could be a truly Snapely drink, like Absinthe (bitter as anything, just this side of poison and Slytherin green to boot).

It could even be a suitably gruesome cocktail, like the aptly named Bloody Brain (looks like something from one of Snape's jars).

But whatever your choice of spirits, take a moment to raise it in tribute. To Snape!

To make your own delightfully disgusting Bloody Brain, measure 3/4 oz. peach schnapps into a glass, add a float of Bailey's Irish Cream and then add 5-6 drops of grenadine syrup, one by one.

I will post again later with pictures of the winning birthday cake, as well as (hopefully) fic. One of sydpad's comments has inspired me, so let's see what I can do with it!

birthdays, snape

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