Almost there, almost there...

Apr 26, 2012 13:59

Willpower, don't fail me now. I am almost to the end of Grading Madness, so close that I can just graze it with my fingertips, though it's not yet within my grasp. But it's imminent. And thank goodness for that, because I have to admit that I am tired and more than ready to blow a sparkly goodbye kiss to this semester. Said tiredness derives more from certain colleagues and administrative officials than from students, but. The sentiment remains.

Soon. Very soon.

And my reward for good behavior will be a fabulous fangirl lunch out with clairvoyant12 tomorrow! I can't wait for the sushi, saketinis, and copious amounts of squee, because it will be the perfect (and perfectly social) antidote to any lingering feelings of tension and angst. I always come back from these afternoons out glowing like a megawatt bulb and bubbling over with cheer, which is as much a testament to the pleasure of my dear Clairvoyant's company as it is to the delicious power of saketinis. Can't wait! And it's supposed to be sunny, which virtually guarantees a good day in Royal Oak, if not a parking space. ;-)

In more fandomy news, I just realized that I'd written out two LONG and ridiculously detailed character profiles/backstories for Howard Moon and Vince Noir, which started as a meme response and ended up as a serious writing exercise... but I never posted them here! So I will rectify that today, because although they aren't exactly stories as such, there are a LOT of mini-Boosh stories in them, and it's a good idea to park them here for safekeeping and future reference, anyway.

And of course, you're all welcome to read them, too, if you're curious and want to know what my particular Howard and Vince look like from the inside out...

Right. More coffee. Some form of sustenance might also be a good idea. And then onward in the red pen march...

real life, boosh, writing

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