Sep 06, 2010 16:31
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were... kind of challenging, as we were getting Dad settled in, and I spent most of the weekend running around from one store to the next, shopping for mom and dad, as well as myself. (Supplies reached a critical low while Dad was in the hospital. My fridge has never looked so bachelor-ish before, by which I mean "several types of beverages, an assortment of pickles, and not much else.") So I hit the farmer's market, I went to Costco, stopped by Trader Joe's... it was a multi-day expedition, but both households are now well-stocked with fresh fruit and veg and other forms of edible goodness.
And then came today, which is gorgeously, blissfully, wonderfully mine, with no particular demands on my time. And it has been fabulous. So far, I have:
*Woken up feeling more refreshed than I have been in weeks
*Spoken to Dad on the phone. His voice is stronger every day, and he's getting energetic to want to tag along on errands.
*Got in a great workout, with a personal best on distance
*Enjoyed a deeeeelicious lunch of fresh tabbouleh and hummus on whole-grain pita
*Been complimented on my perfume by a complete stranger (Purple Phoenix--thank you, BPAL and Ari!)
*Been complimented on my necklace by another total stranger
*Unexpectedly got the wreath I was buying for 50% off (!!), because a few of the tiny little seed bobbles on it came off at the cash register, and the cashier noticed without me saying anything.
I'm thinking that my next move should possibly be to buy a lottery ticket, but instead I think I'll just bask in the rare spot of good fortune, get myself prepared for the coming week, hunt for cute evening shoes online and redo my nails, which I have finally got to the exact length I like them to be. I've been painting them silver lately, but I could be convinced to do something new and fun with them. And to that end, there is a (shallow, superficial) poll. But there are ticky boxes. :-)
Poll What color should I paint my nails?
real life,
project peacock