I just joined Twitter yesterday...

Sep 01, 2010 18:50

...but that doesn't mean I want it in my LJ, or for my LJ comments/entries/what have you to be on Twitter without my permission. While it is always an honor system thing to request that people respect the privacy of flock, I am nonetheless asking that you please refrain from tweeting/posting to Facebook any content from one of my flocked entries, even if you just want to share your insightful wisdom with the other social network users.

And rest assured, I will not do the same to you. (If, however, you are over on Twitter, let me know and I'll follow you there. I'm not presuming that you'd want to follow me and my Twittery wittering, but stranger things have happened. *g* I'm BlueySays over there, if you're so inclined.)

In other news, lots of things have been happening, and I have been too zombie-like to report most of them, but by far the most wonderful and relevant news is this: Dad is recovering so quickly and so well that they're sending him home even earlier than anticipated. He's coming home tomorrow! Which will require some quick reworking of my schedule, but I've never been so delighted to do so, you know? ~squeeeeeeeees~

My smile could power roughly a million suns at the moment, I think. :D

ETA: I'm so freaking sunshine-tastic at the moment that I was actually motivated to cook dinner for the first time this week. From scratch! And it's not toast or a half-assed salad. *g*

dad, real life

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