The Really Good, the Bad and the Snowy

Feb 24, 2010 17:59

The bad news is that I'm definitely sick; there's no mistaking that. I'm sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, exhausted, and generally sounding like a prime candidate for NyQuil. (Didn't get much sleep last night.) As is usual with my colds, I woke up with the voice of some down-and-out jazz singer, sounding like I subsist on a diet of cigarettes and gin. I have zero energy and only slightly more mental focus.

But there are good points, too. While some things are worse, the throat itself hurts much less today, and I can also now do a killer Marlene Dietrich impression. That's kind of fun. And I do have a very good excuse to slow down and pamper myself, which is not especially what I planned for my holiday, but it might be just what I need, so there's no point in moaning about it. And yesterday's attempt at Boeuf Bourguignon a la Crock Pot was a definite, definite success. (My appetite, alas, remains stubbornly immune to the illness. *g*) There will be more of that for dinner, and I suspect it will only be better for having sat overnight.

Speaking of good things, here's some especially squee-worthy news: Severus Big Bang has bestowed its reviewing awards, and I was stunned (in a good way) to find out that I won both Authors' and Artists' Choice! ~blushes~ I think my reviews say much more about the exceptional quality of the work the authors and artists produced than they do anything about me, but I thank all of you authors and artists who voted for me. I'm truly honored. :D

As prizes, I've won a story from annietalbot (~hugs Annie~) and artwork from verus_janus! Squee squee squee! I also won these really cool banners, which I'm pleased and proud to display:

Aren't they pretty?

And last but not least, I'll leave you with one of my very favorite scenes from one of my very favorite movies, Stranger Than Fiction. I had reason to remember this scene last night, so I looked it up, watched it and have been smiling all day. It's just so... clever and sweet and adorable and romantic in a not-soppy way that I defy you not to enjoy it. It's below the cut, and I hope it makes your day as much as it made mine. :-)

image Click to view

~sends virtual and therefore germ-free hugs to those in need~

squee, shiny, real life

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