I Shopped

Nov 27, 2009 17:59

And then I dropped, because yeesh, am I exhausted and footsore. But I had a great deal of fun, in large part because the shops were actually not filled with insane crowds this year, and all the special deals were still going strong when we showed up at a very reasonable hour. (I refuse to go shopping at 4 in the morning, just so I can stampede in and maybe get trampled to death. No deal is that good.) As a bonus, it really feels like winter now, as it's bone-chillingly cold and windy. It may seem odd to be enthused about this, but somehow I enjoy the brisk reminder that WINTER IS HERE; it makes the warm shops and bright colors and soothing cups of hot cocoa stand out in sharp contrast, their pleasure just that little bit keener.

Also, I had an excuse to wear my Snapely gloves for the first time, too! Bonus. :D

Anyway. I was lucky, found very good deals and not a few gifts, as well as some new sweaters, hoodies and socks for myself. Mission: accomplished. Now to kick back with leftovers and a glass of wine... oof, and a massage for my poor, abused feet. (Why do I always end up wearing some high-heeled boots for Black Friday shopping? I never learn. My toes hate me right now.)

I also had a call from Pharmacist!Snape (remember him?), who has proved himself to actually be a very sweet and intelligent man. Certainly more so than the staff at my doctor's office.

So earlier in the week, I needed a refill on my breathing treatment solution, which is basically little pipettes of saline with a dose of stimulant diluted in the mixture. Not a big deal. Only the staff at my doctor's office is continually pissy about granting phone refills, because they always want to force you to come in and have another visit, just to get the refills. Well, fuck that. I just went in a few weeks ago for my H1N1; I don't need another appointment, just my medicine. So when the pharmacy faxed in the request to authorize the refill, they dawdled for days. And then, finally, they faxed in the refill I needed... only for half the quantity. Which costs exactly the same as the normal quantity. Which, if I may say, is a lot of money to spend on half of what I need.

Fucking fuck a motherfucking duck.

So by the time this was done, it was the evening before Thanksgiving and OF COURSE they didn't notify me that they were doing this, so I only found out about this when I got to the pharmacy and balked at paying $60 for half of my medicine. Pharmacist!Snape was very perturbed on my behalf when I explained the situation and tried to phone my doctor's office right then. Unsurprisingly, they were gone. So he apologized for the inconvenience, promised to call my doctor's office early on Friday morning and offered me a box of pipettes for free, to be sure that I wouldn't be left without any medication over the holiday.

Very nice, don't you think? It turned out to be a good call, too, because I needed it.

Now, this is the natural end of the story, as the pharmacist calls my doctor's office, straightens out prescription mishap, etc. Except that it didn't happen that way. Instead, I got a call at home from Pharmacist!Snape this morning. He'd called the doctor's office early this morning, as he'd promised, only to find out that they're closed for the entire weekend. Which... look, I understand the need for a holiday, but patients need some recourse in an emergency. Seriously. In any case, he apologized again for the inconvenience, but he wanted to make sure that I would be okay over the weekend, and did I need more medication?

Better yet, after talking it over with me and reviewing my history there and making sure that the price would be the same for the greater quantity, he made the executive decision to fill my prescription for the full quantity, because he is awesome like that. And now I have the medication I need. Yay! Professionalism and thoughtfulness FTW!

All that, and he looks like Snape, too. ~dreamy sigh~ Wow, how lame am I? ~laughs at self~ But yeah, no love for the staff at my doctor's office, because what if I hadn't had Pharmacist!Snape looking out for my well-being? I might have been screwed, and not in a fun way. I'm extremely irritated at them and their petty power games.

Anyway, on the the leftovers, of which there are a great quantity, despite there being fifteen of us for dinner yesterday. (It was lovely, by the way.) The menu, for those who are curious:

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus and pita chips
Crackers and Cheese tray, including Double Gloucester, a gloriously ugly Stilton and some Medjool Dates for contrast
Pumpkin-Wild Rice Soup
Roast Turkey with Mediterranean Herbs
Cranberry-Apple Chutney
Italian Mushroom Gravy
Garlic Whipped Potatoes
Challah-Sourdough Dressing, with Italian Sausage, Butternut Squash and Roasted Chestnuts
Corn Pudding
Scalloped Pearl Onions
Green Beans with Garlic
Caramel Apple Cheesecake
Pumpkin Crunch Layer Cake with Cream Cheese Icing
Coffee, Tea, Dragonmead London Brown Ale and a Cab/Merlot/Zin red table wine called Ménage à Trois (Very, very drinkable, with lots of jammy blackberry and a peppery bite. <-----Not a Wine Snob.)

And that's it. Now I'm off to eat some more of it. I hope you are all well today, as always.

rants, holidays, cooking, real life

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