Reasons to Be Happy and Just Keep Going

Oct 08, 2009 16:10

Because seriously? I need the reminder right now. I am not nearly in as dire straits as so many dear flisters right now, but it has still been a tough, tough two weeks, and I am kind of feeling like I've been put through a meat grinder. The reasons why are complicated and include, but are not at all limited to, the following: 1) allergies going batshit insane, which means that I've been wheezing for a week straight and have had to "sleep" sitting up for the same length of time, 2) not actually, you know, sleeping, because of the not being able to breathe thing, 3) not having a spare moment to think, much less work on any of the things that I actually like working on, like the three stories that are almost done, or the analysis that I owe people, or the queue at OWL, and 4) other people who are equally stressed leaning on me and using me as their personal emotional dumping ground because they know I'll just listen and take it.

So. I do not want to think about that. I will, instead, think about things that do not make me want to jump out the window. Here are some things that will keep me going through the rest of this long-ass day:

1) Today is my Friday! If I can make it through tonight's marathon, I will actually be able to have at least part of a day to decompress and try to catch up.

2) BPAL! My Halloweenies have arrived, and I can't wait to test them. It will probably have to wait until I'm less wheeze-tastic, but it's still something to look forward to doing. I also have Mircalla (from the Literary Vampires) and Mlle Lilith, Fortune Teller to try out. Woohoo! I haven't done reviews in forever, but it would be nice to get back in the swing once life settles down.

3) I fit into a sweater today that has been too tight to wear for the last several months! Yay! (A lot of you don't know, but I gained a lot of weight after Dad's accident and all the other assorted garbage that took up the first two-thirds of the year.) I've been trying to lose weight in a sane way, and it's nice to see it actually starting to pay off. I still feel pretty grotesque when I see my reflection, but I'm happy to have made some progress.

4) Best and most important of all: mundungus42 IS COMING TO TOWN! Squee! I'm so excited. I hope to be able to show her and Mr. 42 a good time on their visit to Detroit. :D

Okay, now I'm a little cheerier. Now I feel prepared to grit my teeth, put my chin up and march onward into the Long Afternoon. On the other side of my obstacles lies a little bit of paradise. *g*

real life, bpal

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