You already know that
camillo1978 is a warm, wonderful person, a witty author and an exceedingly talented artist, but today I have an additional reason to sing her praises: she drew something for me from The French Connection! It's a portrait of Muggle-ized, post-war Snape, and it is more than I could have ever hoped for.
Here is is:
Gone Muggle Seriously, I have been a big ball of flailing fangirl squee ever since I saw it. I can't stop staring, and my gratitude knows no bounds. She captured Snape exactly as I saw him, not just in the exquisite little details of his face and body and clothing, but in his attitude and spirit. He's just... perfect. I think this is really "my" Snape, and she's managed the rare trick of making him lean and slender yet strong and masculine, not fragile.
Did I not mention the sexy? Because he is unspeakably sexy. Oh yes. And he has the glasses! &hearts
So, in short: Camillo is a generous genius, and you all need to go admire this right now. Leave Camillo some love for it!
As for me, I will be walking on air for the rest of the day. Possibly the rest of the week. I am a lucky, lucky, lucky girl. :D