Home Again, Home Again

Jul 20, 2009 23:15

I'm home from San Francisco! Did you miss me? I missed all of you! :D ~squishes~

I'll do a real update tomorrow, because today was basically a lost day in travel for me (started when I took the BART train to the airport at 10 AM, and it ended.... uh, just now, when I got home from the airport), and I'm also sleep-deprived like whoa.

But in the interests of giving you a preview, I'll just say that in the last five days, I have:

*Dressed up like Rowena Ravenclaw
*Watched Lucius Malfoy order a burrito in a shopping mall
*Been to a midnight showing of HBP
*Fangirled a ton of talented artists and authors
*Stayed up until the wee hours every night/morning,because mundungus42 and machshefa are too darn awesome NOT to have endless conversations with them
*Been rude during a terrible, terrible Snape panel composed almost entirely of imbeciles (Thankfully, Machshefa and Amy D. Martin were there to inject sense into all the nonsense.)
*Behaved disgracefully with Dicky ;-)
*Had my arse groped by droxy!Snape
*Danced with the most fabulous drag queens I've ever seen
*Ordered a ridiculously overpriced martini for the sheer pleasure of watching a handsome, fit, well-dressed man who knows how to handle a cocktail shaker do his thing (worth every penny)
*Been on a flight which was stopped from leaving at the last second by a person running up and down the aisle, screaming "STOP THIS PLANE! STOP THIS PLANE! IS THERE A DOCTOR ON THE PLANE?" (Scary, scary situation. The teenaged girl in front of me had a stroke just as we were about to leave the ground. Much drama.)

And that's just the extract. As you can see, it was a busy couple of days. A busy, WONDERFUL couple of days. I had the best roommates in the world, had amazing fun being among like minds and making new friends, and I honestly didn't want it to end. For all of you who are still at Azkatraz: I miss you already! I felt so fortunate to be among such a group of wise, witty, friendly, supportive and downright amazing women, and I'm in awe of all of you. ~big hugs~ What a keen pleasure it is to put faces with names and voices with words!

For those of you who couldn't make it, I wish I'd been able to meet you, too, and I'll continue to hope that we will be able to meet someday at a future con. Also, I've had a peek at hpcon_envy, and can I just say that you all astound me? This is just... wonderful. Yay! I'm so happy to see how active it's been. Talk about a party! ~high fives all around~

Okay. Now I'm off to put on PJs, snuggle with love-deprived kittehs and pass out until I catch up on a little bit of the sleep I missed. More tomorrow!

real life, azkatraz envy, azkatraz

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