Because I can always find room for complaints

Feb 21, 2009 17:15

Meme nicked from pokeystar.

7 foods you can't stand

~Frozen mixed vegetables
~Carrot salad
~Raw celery
~Pickled herring
~Czarnina (A little bit of blood, a little bit of fruit, a whole world of yuck.)
~Buttered Popcorn jelly beans

6 actors/actresses/musicians/famous people whose appeal you don't understand

~Paris Hilton
~Kim Kardashian
~Bruce Springsteen (Yes, I admit it: I'm immune to the "charms" of The Boss.)
~Rosie O'Donnell
~Dane Cook
~Barbra Streisand

5 Pet Peeves

~Lazy/offensive stereotyping
~Drivers who don’t signal (Copying this one from Pokey, because this drives me insane.)
~Lack of curiosity/closed-mindedness
~People who a) don't bother to read instructions/understand a subject fully, and yet b) feel free to loudly complain anyway.

4 talents/skills you don't have, but kind of wish you did

~Knitting (although I'm going to try to learn)
~Playing the violin
~Relaxing around other people
~Anything athletic

3 songs you hate

~"Happy Holidays" - Andy Williams (The lyric "He'll be coming down the chimney down" makes me snarl every time.)
~"Cracklin' Rosie" - Neil Diamond (I'm convinced that this is on the soundtrack to Hell.)
~"Don't Stop Believing" - Journey (For the last time: there is no "South Detroit"! It doesn't exist!)

2 fashion trends (past or present) that you hate(d)

~Caftans in obnoxious prints
~Stirrup pants

1 thing you will never, ever do again

Write a twenty-five page paper in roughly seven hours, taking breaks only for the bathroom and additional coffee consumption. ~headdesk~ It's not quite as awful as it sounds, as I had it very heavily outlined and had been researching for months, but I left the actual write-up until the last minute and... ugh. Not my finest hour.

The blizzard is still blizzarding outside, very grey and white and blustery, which makes me intensely glad that I'm in here watching, and not trying to battle the elements. ~snuggles near fireside with blankets, cats and laptop~ The storm was preceded by some kind of awful pressure change or temperature change or something that gave me a wicked headache last night, and then it woke me up at four in the morning with a headache, sinuses swollen shut and wheezing. Joy. :-P

Snuna Exchange prompts have been received and they are squeeeeeeful, as one of them lines up with a plot that I've been meaning to write for some time now. Now I have the perfect reason to do it! Bonus: this will require some research in order to do it the way I'd like, and that's just going to be fun. I did some preliminary brainstorming today, and it's looking good. ~nods~ I fully intend to use the upcoming term break week to its maximum potential for writing time.

exchange, real life, memes

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