Jul 27, 2005 12:10
I hate it when my ability to make snide comments fails me.
I need to buy a little black dress sometime this week. I have an evening wedding to go to and would like to find one that shows off my tattooes (tattoes make for an excellent accessory, by the way), and ideally, it will be a very versitile little black dress so I can turn around and wear it to the dance party at the Hickory House, mostly cause I haven't dressed up in any way, shape, or form for oh so long. I like feeling pretty. I think the last time I wore a dress was for an art show on New Year's Eve year before last.
I hate the way my brain (and more specifically, my emotions) has been as of late. Seriously, it's as though someone flicks a switch in my head and says "Be sad now!" And it's like a roller coaster and I can feel myself falling, and 15 minutes later, I want to cry in the bathroom. I don't. Usually. It's worse when I'm at work, but it happens other places as well. Then throw in an occassional mild panic attack...almost always but not nessarily at work...oh, it's great.
I'm realizing the biggest obsticle to me being a writer and getting any work done is I can't really stand to be by myself as of late. I like myself, don't get me wrong, but I have about an hour to myself (baring time spent getting ready for work or driving to and from, and of course, sleeping) each night (except for weekends), which I spend cooking and reading. I can't seem to force myself to sit down, by myself, and work.
I want chilaquelas for dinner, but I think I'm going to make the 10 bean soup I had been planning on making last night because I won't have to go to the grocery store, and I would if I wanted to make chilaquelas. Plus the soup, while longer cooking, is less involved.
Hi, how are you?