At night when I get home, nymphs lumber towards me

May 20, 2004 21:04

I spend ten hour days lugging fifty pound bags of sugar, bending over three hundred degree ovens, and making thirty pound cakes. And at the end of the day, I come home sweaty and exhausted, and my mother hugs me and says, "Mmmm, cinnamon!"


This post continues... later.
After dinner.

Like now.

Only I realized that everything I want to say, I want to talk to you about in person. (Somebunny loves you, and the trials and tribulations of soy cakes (and their use as a symbol for DOOM), and dancing, and horrifying my sister, and how the popped burn-blister on my knuckle keeps splitting... and everything!)

So I think I'll go to bed and hope to talk to you in Real, sometime soon.
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