GAWD, that was good! Spent most of the day at the MIA lounging about negligently & people-watching. I saw the Sin & Salvation exhibit for the last time. I simply adore
"The Afterglow in Egypt." There is also another painting that has the same model, but she has a cow by her hip, and has a basket of birds on her head instead. I saw the one with the wheat sheaf.
I bought a cheapie little MP3 player (WHY did I not have one of these sooner? Gah! Sometimes my disdain of technology works against me, urk). Oooh, I'm always going to be somewhere else, now. Whirr.
I also bought a fantastic book on soups for ridiculous cheap. But wait, it gets better! I had divine buffet food at Great Moon (Chinese-American style), with a crapload of veggies & fruit. I feel GOOD! I got to watch Chinese-American women speak perfectly fluent Spanish to their coworker, who replied, somewhat haltingly & with lots of pride, in what I think was Mandarin.
I might actualy be on my way to being well-rested. Holy crap, how amazing!
But now... now I think I need some ice cream. I think I hear a banana split calling my name. I haven't had Dairy Queen for at least a year (I think? and I know I haven't had a split for a verrrry long time.
Mmmm. Decadence at its finest.
I might even watch a couple episodes of Torchood, tonite. Oooh. Ahhhh.
Cheers & All