Thanks, Jeff! :D
For those unfamiliar with this show: MCoG is one of my all-time favorite animated series. It's a French/Japanese co-production that aired on Nickelodeon back when they had just about no original programming and thus played a lot of international children's shows. When I was a kid, it blew me away due to its continuous epic storyline (something I'd never seen before at the time, Belle & Sebastian [which I never got into] notwithstanding), and got me interested in the Age of Exploration. It's also one of those rare animated productions that has been
erroneously attributed, at least in part, to Hayao Miyazaki.
The series has long been available in France, and this UK box set was finally published this year (just found out that
a North American release is pending-oh dear... wish I'd known that earlier ^_^;;;). It's a set that's one of the two items I have on my wishlist (the other is the EU version of the Pinky:st DS game). They're Region 2 and PAL, so I'll have to watch them on my computer.
Also got two gift cards from my parents and sister. The first one was a generic Visa gift card to put towards a Wii Fit, as I'd mentioned to my mom that I wanted one (now I just have to find a Wii Fit). The second is a $25 GameStop one; I'm thinking of using it for Space Invaders Extreme and... something else. Sega Superstars Tennis, maybe? That would bring me $15 over, but it's all good. I just want some light, fun games right now.
While I had the camera out, I took some pics of our Cloud Shrine. This is one of the better ones:
It started out as a joke of sorts, and used to be here in the office but was moved out to the living room (due to space considerations) not long after I ordered the Cloud and Hardy Daytona Play Arts set. The FFVII PC box is Jeff's (mine is not nearly as nice), and the figures are mine. Those aren't all of them, either; I also have two FF Trading Arts Clouds (one color, one silver), a Bandai action figure of Cloud from 1997, and the Japanese AC Cloud Play Arts with Fenrir (which was a limited edition, so it's in storage).
The Cloud and Hardy Daytona is sweet (AC Play Arts Cloud wishes he was that cool XD), though I wish it included the
Hardedge as an alternative to the Buster Sword. Word is that Square Enix Products will be releasing a weapons pack for the FFVII Play Arts with the ultimate weapons for the Cloud, Aeris, Tifa, Vincent, and Yuffie figures (only Red, Cait, and Sephiroth will be left out). Cloud on the bike with Ultima Weapon? Yes plz!
Finally, here's a slightly NSFW Zero Punctuation/TWEWY icon I made last week, but I ended up not wanting to use it. Feel free to nab it (credit appreciated, but not crucial):
Seeing WALL-E tonight. That, and more, later.