So it was last month... Whatever! It is never too late for epic picture posts.
I had so much fun this year. My friends and I all cosplayed/steampunked for the first time and people took photos of us! There is nothing like praise to boost one's confidence. We also went to the Amaranth ball on the Thursday night, which was a blast. My friends won best couple! This was especially surprising since they were not only both girls, but they had only met that day. I haven't got a lot of pictures unfortunately - I forgot my camera on the Saturday. :-( Oh well! On with the show...
I only got one photo of myself in my steampunk outfit for the weekend taken on my camera and when we got home I realised it was blurry, so here's a shot another lovely person took:
This is my friends and I about to head off to Amaranth:
I'm going for a formal steampunk look, The girl in white is a moogle (her pompom is cut off by the shot :( ) and the other girl is Blair from Soul Eater. We had so much fun!
This pretty lady won Queen. I have been told multiple times what the character's name is, but now it escapes me. The red lady? Something like that. Feel free to correct me.
A very cute formal!Axel and Roxas.
This guy won most enthusiastic dancer and is EXTREMELY TALL.
I met some lovely steampunk people over the weekend, including on Friday when I was camera-less (*sob*).
This guy had a nifty steampunked USB. One day I want to try doing that.
I should have asked her where she got her corset. Of course I may have asked and forgotten... I which case I should have written it down.
She made the dress HERSELF. That is incredibly awesome in my books. And she has a steampunk robocat thing! It even has goggles. XD
I'm not sure if these guys were cosplaying or just being generally awesome, but if that's an anime I want to see it NOW.
I made a friend! She sold lots of lovely art and one time when she was able to get away from her table for a minute we wandered around together. I discovered something amazing at Manifest: dressing up helps you to make friends! It is a wonderful discovery.
To finish off, an organisation 13 group shot. This picture is important because it was the first time I had ever seen Axel as cosplayed by a guy. They also did the caramel dansen, which I videoed.
I have more pictures, but it is way past my bedtime. I'm not sure why I thought eleven at night would be a good time to do a picture post and learn to use photobucket. It is now one in the morning. If this post has problems, I'll fix them in the morning. Goodnight all!