buddy and everything else

Dec 30, 2015 21:21

1. Buddy is a pathetic sight tonight. He went to the vet today for dental work (cleaning, x-rays, and one extraction) so now the anesthesia is wearing off and he's very whiny and clearly not feeling with it. They told us the whining was to be expected. We're hoping he conks out soon and sleeps off the rest of it. My poor baby.

On the plus side, aside from the one problematic tooth the rest look fantastic, so that's good. And he'll be okay in a couple days, although he's not supposed to chew anything for ten days (more than food, that is).

2. I have some suggestions on where to look for corset garb, but haven't gotten confirmation from the people making the clothing that they can supply what I need. But I got recommended one person (thanks 42itous, and her prices are eminently reasonable and the quality looks good. And she specifically notes that the chemises fit up to a 60" bust. I do not have that big a chest, thank goodness, but it does mean her clothes will fit me.

And yes, I will post pictures once everything gets here and I can try it on and ensure it works.

3. Remember how I said we had picked a weekend for Mom's unveiling? Now we're rethinking it due to calendar issues. At this point we either go the weekend between Norwescon and ECCC, or the weekend after ECCC. I think the former is more doable, but Morgan needs to check with his co-workers on what's the best option before we confirm.

4. Ketina and Ronelyn are having people over for NYE but I don't know if we're going, and if we are going I don't know how long we'll stay. With Buddy recovering from dental work, and legal fireworks in our area, we'd both like to stay home with the pup in case he seriously freaks out. I also have to work, although I'm anticipating leaving early. On 1/1 there will be an MST3K movie party, which will also be at their house although Morgan's planning all the movies and things. I haven't decided yet if I'm going to that or not.

5. I had two root canals today, so that was lovely. Although to be fair the root canals themselves were easy, and I actually almost dozed off in the chair. They gave me nitrous, because they always do, and between that and the Novocaine I couldn't even really tell where they were working in my mouth. I mean, I knew because I knew what teeth they were working on, but even so.

I'll need to call my dentist about getting restorative work done on these, plus the other crowns that need to happen. Goal for 2016: Be done with all dental work.

This entry was originally posted at http://blueraccoon.dreamwidth.org/1362116.html. Please comment there. |

family bizness, momstuff, life as usual, fandom, my crazy, puppy love, cyborg teeth, geeky

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