
May 20, 2015 17:14

Aka: Apple, you suck.

I think, based on some research I've done and a conversation with my much more technical-savvy co-worker, that the x1 (my PC) isn't getting the full resolution from the new monitor because of the way it's connected. I really hope that's it because I can't upgrade a laptop graphics card, I've been told. The cable is in my mailbox, so I'll grab it when I get home and test this out and see how it goes. If that doesn't work...I'm going to be very upset and cry. But here's hoping I won't have to.

But. Then there's the MacBook Pro (MBP). The Mac will let me get the right resolution, but it won't scale the display, meaning that all my menus and other windows are teensy tiny and impossible to read. I did research on this, I chatted with an Apple support agent...and discovered that my Mac does not support 4k. At all. It just won't. If I want to get 4k resolution, I need a different computer.


I am not returning the monitor because a) I can't, and b) I really like it. It's big and bright and easy on my eyes. But I can't use it with my Mac unless I change the resolution to something much lower which is like "but then why did I get a 4k monitor?"

Macs made after about mid-2013 have 4k support. Mine was made in mid-2012.

So there's that. If I can get the x1 to give me the right resolution, I can just use that as my primary computer. Since most of my stuff is cloud-based these days it's not a huge deal, and honestly going from Windows at work to Windows at home is a lot easier than switching OS back and forth all the time. For one, I can never remember which system is command + key and which is control + key. (I know which is which but I keep hitting the wrong keys.)

And then, in September, depending on a lot of different factors I might replace the Mac with a new PC. I've been slowly inching toward getting a Windows machine for a while now. I have been a Mac girl all my life, but they're just irritating these days. I don't have an iPhone. I don't want an iPhone, and I don't want my computer OS to work like a phone OS I don't want in the first place. I also want a touchscreen on my next personal machine, and Apple doesn't do those on its laptops. I don't want an iPad. I have a tablet I never use already.

I don't need an ultra high end gaming rig, and component for component a Windows will be cheaper than a Mac. There's no software I absolutely need on a Mac that doesn't exist in PC form, and some of them are better on the PC. Trillian for Windows is better than Adium for Mac, honestly, and Chrome works better on PC than on Mac. Plus all my work stuff I can do better on a PC than a Mac, obviously.

So yeah. My next computer is going to be a PC. But when I'm going to get it, I've no idea. We'll see if I can get the current Lenovo working with the correct resolution of my monitor. *crosses fingers*

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my crazy, technology hates me, gadget geek

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