Mostly for my own reference: I saw Dr. Z this morning, which was fine. They refilled the pain meds but I told them not to bother with the Cambia since I have yet to take it. I completely forgot to tell them I had the MRI yesterday, but I did mention the aphasia with the migraines. Dr. Z pretty much had the same attitude of Dr. S, though, which is "It sucks but there's not much to do about it".
Rite Aid, sadly, took way too long to fill the scrip and I only say that because the ibuprofen was wearing off and my jaw was killing me. So I finally got the scrip, took a dose and took a dose of ibuprofen, and am now feeling better if a bit queasy. Then I came home and took the dog on a long walk.
Heading into work in a little under an hour, I think. I normally like to get there early but as I mentioned previously, I'm feeling a bit burned out so I'm not in a hurry to get there way before I have to. At least things look relatively quiet this morning. I can only hope it stays that way.
Writing: I actually got a bunch more words than I thought this week. Most of them are from last Thursday, I think, but I still wound up with a little over 6k for the week so I'm quite pleased. I have to get about 14k by the end of May to be on track for GYWO, so that'll be a bit challenging but I think I can do it.
Bah. I guess I should get going even though I don' wanna. But a co-worker asked for Sbux and far be it from me to deny anyone their caffeine, so off I go...
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