1. I had every intention of getting up when my alarm went off today, but it did not happen. Apologies to Morgan, who woke up when it went off and then stayed awake until I got out of bed. I'm hoping he fell back asleep after I left.
2. Stomach and I are disagreeing this morning. It's protesting over something with the copious use of acid reflux. I am not amused and made an emergency run to Walgreens for zantac (generic) and saltines, and I have Rolaids. Hopefully something will kick in soon and I'll be feeling better. I'm also adding in Greek yogurt to the mix, in hopes probiotics will also assist.
3. Also in terms of Morgan and disagreements, I've been looking at tattoo designs and asking local people about artists they'd recommend and such. I really want another tattoo--I've wanted one for years, really. Specifically, I want an elephant on the back/nape of my neck. I figure there it'll hide under my hair or my shirt most of the time, so he won't have to see it much, but I'll know it's there. Unfortunately Morgan is not a fan of tattoos, so we're going back and forth on this one. I actually want two more, the elephant and something else on my right wrist/forearm, but I haven't quite figured out what the latter should be yet. I was thinking maybe a rose or rose vine, for my grandmother, but I can't find any designs online I actually like. I wrote a character who had a quote about music spiraling around his right wrist, but I don't have any quotes I like enough to make them part of me. So I'm not sure about that one. (Yes, I realize Judaism is against tattoos. It's also against piercings and I have four of those, and organ donation and I'm a registered donor. I never said I was a good Jew.)
I'm also still in search of a local artist. A and Spoo recommended someone in Seattle, and someone else recommended a place in Mountlake Terrace, and after my experience getting my ears pierced I'm also wondering if I should stop by that place and look at the artists' portfolios and see what I think. If you are in the area and have a tattoo artist you like or would recommend, let me know?
4. In writing news, I did finish and post chapter 20 of WC yesterday. I poked at FF a bit but got less than 150 words. Maybe I'll have better luck today. I also want to poke at the id-fic a bit, as that's been languishing for a while.
5. In first world sad news, my local Starbucks charged me for a treinta but gave me a venti iced tea. I am sad.
6. In happy first world news, I am madly in love with SiriusXM, especially now that I have the receiver working properly in my car. I spent most of yesterday listening to the 80s station and the 90s station, and so far today I've got on the 90s station and it's awesome. This lack of commercials thing is a total win, and so is being able to see what actual song and artist I'm listening to (especially since I have a crap memory for that sort of thing and can sing songs but have no idea who they're by). I don't have to change stations unless I want a different song. Bliss.
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