Yesterday I got a really, really bad migraine, bad enough that two doses of dilaudid didn't kill it. I know my local ER won't give me narcotics without talking to my pain doctor, because rules that make no sense to me, but whatever, I figured they could call him and maybe get somewhere. So Morgan and I went.
Except Dr. Z's answering service was out of service, and the ER doctor couldn't reach anyone, so she couldn't give me anything except steroids which I've had before and do jack shit for me. So we left.
I've been trying to reach Dr. Z's office all fucking day long, because I know they're open from 9am - 3pm on Saturday, and I thought maybe if I called early enough today I could get fit in for an emergency appointment and get a refill on my dilaudid (last night I took the last I had). Except their answering service is out of service and no one's answering the phone. I call the number, I get the standard "You have reached blah" phone message, I press the number I need...and the phone rings four times and gives me a message that the number is no longer in service and I've reached an answering service that is out of service, sorry they can't help me.
In somewhat of desperation, I figured I'd try the local Evergreen clinic that does walk-ins on the weekend, but they had at least a 2 hour wait time and both other urgent care clinics they operate had the same, so I gave up and came home. I was not going to wait two hours in an overheated, crowded waiting room with a migraine when there's no guarantee urgent care would even help me.
I'm so frustrated right now I could cry. I took a muscle relaxant rather than the oxycodone in hopes that it'll knock me out and I can maybe try sleeping this off some more. I can't even think about work tomorrow right now; at this point, my tentative plan is to get up early and go to the Redmond urgent care when they open or soon after if my head is still this bad, therefore giving me time to maybe get a prescription and get it filled before I have to be at work. Assuming anyone at urgent care is willing to give me a prescription in the first place, which is not a given. I just don't know what else to do. Clearly nothing I have is going to break this, and while I thought it was better earlier I've since been proven wrong, so...I just don't know.
I'd call my neurologist and talk to the on-call doctor there, but that's an exercise in futility. The on-call doctors do not and will not prescribe pain medication, so all they'd do is tell me to go to the local ER--which see above for why that's impossible. I asked the ER doc last night if she could talk to my neurologist but she said she has to talk to my pain specialist.
I think I'm going to curl up in a little ball and wish for death, or at least unconsciousness.
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