It's Thanksgiving, or Thanksgivukah, whichever you prefer or are observing. In the bluemorgan household, the turkey is in the oven and smells delicious, Morgan is watching the MST3K Turkey Day marathon, and becc is taking advantage of not being needed downstairs for a little bit to write this before she dives into the shower and then starts preparing the stuffing and mashed potatoes.
As I said on FB: It's been an interesting year. There are some things I could have done without, like all my health woes and the car accidents, but on the other hand: Morgan and I were finally able to buy our own, beautiful house, which seemed an impossible dream even two years ago and a just-out-of-reach one last year. Both Morgan and I are gainfully employed, and I have an amazing job that I love and that I think I'm honestly doing well at. And this year, our first Thanksgiving in our own home, I am thankful beyond measure that we are able to share it with (most of) the friends we see regularly who mean so much to us, who are our family in everything but blood or legality.
I am thankful for my parents, who are the best parents in the world and always have been even if I didn't always appreciate them. I am thankful that my mom's health continues to improve. I am thankful for my husband, who I love dearly and without whom I don't know if I'd have made it through the last...thirteen years. I am thankful for my iWife, my writing partner and best friend and so much more. I am thankful beyond measure that Morgan and I are starting to achieve a tiny bit of financial security. I am thankful for my doctors, who do the best job they can of keeping a rather complicated patient relatively healthy and well-adjusted. Special thanks to Dr. Z the pain doctor and Dr. J the psychiatrist, because without those two I'd be a panicking ball of becc with constant migraines.
I am thankful for my readers and my fans, those reading the stories I post to AO3, especially those who comment regularly to tell me what they think. I am thankful for all of you reading this, my circle and my friends list, even if we've never met in person. Without you I would be a much lesser person, and I am grateful I know you all. Even if I don't comment often, I do read what you write and I think of you.
I am thankful that I can write, that I continue to improve as an author, that I am able to write characters and stories other people enjoy reading. Writing is my lifeline, my creative outlet, my passion, and I need it more than almost anything else in my life.
I am thankful for my family, extended and immediate, even if I don't get to see them that often. Yes, even my in-laws.
So Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Happy Thursday, if you're not American or not observing. Happy Hanukkah, to the Jews in my circle. May your turkeys come out moist and delicious, may you not get caught in political arguments at the dinner table, may you enjoy your latkes and jelly donuts if you have them or your pumpkin pie if that's your dessert of choice.
And now I really do have to dive into the shower. (I've washed my hands so many times already today I've lost count, but I need to wash the rest of me.)
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