1. In case you live under a rock, the announcement of the Twelfth Doctor came out yesterday, and it is
Peter Capaldi. I am ridiculously excited about this.
Okay, so I love Matt Smith as the Doctor, and I'm sad to see him go. I need to clarify that. By the time David Tennant left I was ready for him to leave - his arc had concluded, and his Doctor had gotten so over the top that I was ready for him to move on and find someone new. Matt Smith was a total surprise in terms of casting, but I was willing to give him a chance, and he's definitely been my favorite of the "new" Doctors. I will be sad to see him go, and I kind of wish he was staying around another year. (Clara...eh.)
But he's decided to leave, for whatever reason, whether he chose on his own or was asked or I don't know, we'll likely never find out. So before they announced who the next Doctor would be, Morgan and I talked about it a bit, and we had a list of criteria we felt the actor should fit: He should be a good character actor--not necessarily a good leading man, but a good character actor, someone who's not necessarily a household name, someone with a good range, and someone over 40. We really wanted the last because the Doctor's traditionally been played by older men (well, mostly, with a few exceptions) and we wanted to get a change from Matt (who's what, 30?). We were worried they'd keep going for the young, hunky Doctor, and that's just not what the show is about, really, marriage to River aside. (Speaking of which, I hope she doesn't show up again; her story arc is pretty much done. And I love River.)
Anyway, about a week ago Morgan came to me, very excited, because out of nowhere Peter Capaldi had become a betting favorite for the Doctor, and we thought he'd be perfect. He's done comedy, he's done drama, he's been brilliant at both. He's an amazing actor. I loved him in Children of Earth (your opinion on that series may vary; I happened to really like most of it, but regardless, he was brilliant) AND he's older. He's the same age Willian Hartnell was when he was cast, in point of fact. He's also an old-time fan of the show, which may or may not be important to you, but I think it's a good sign. So we thought he'd be brilliant as the Doctor, but I figured that since we were talking about him it wasn't going to happen. Morgan then discovered that the supposed reason he had jumped to a betting favorite was because his role in World War Z Was "W.H.O. Doctor" and well...so, I put him out of mind and figured it'd be someone I've never heard of.
And then they announced Twelve yesterday. I was at work so I couldn't watch the BBCA special, so I was relying on Morgan to tell me who it was, and he IMed me in all caps going "PETER CAPALDI IS THE DOCTOR!!!!" and I sent back a line of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because holy shit, talk about dream casting coming true. I was surprised, to say the least, but thrilled. I think he's got the range to play the Doctor from serious to hilarious and back again, and I really like that he's older, as I've said already. I think picking someone too similar to Matt Smith would have been a mistake, and I'm glad they didn't. So I am very much looking forward to both the 50th Anniversary Special *and* the Christmas special, and I'll be eagerly anticipating the new season with the Twelfth Doctor.
2. Things are changing at work - all good things, I hasten to add, but it'll definitely be mixing things up, and I'm not sure how soon things are changing but maybe in a few weeks to a month. I'm looking forward to the changes, mostly, other than the part of me that fears change, but overall I think it's all good. I'll be able to talk about it more in a week or so, right now I have to be cryptic.
3. I am seriously dragging this morning. I have things I need to Get Done and it's just not happening. Maybe I'll go home and take a nap and then try to get things Done. I shouldn't be this tired; I slept practically all day yesterday and then went to bed early and slept all night. But I am tired.
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