blah blah ow my head left game early blah.
blah ow this morning waiting for excedrin to kick in blah.
not!blah: Author's note and questions over on
college_boys, please leave me a comment letting me know what you think and what you'd like to see with the boys (and a few girls). I realize asking for feedback is like screaming into a hurricane expecting an answer but I'm giving it a try anyway. (Thank you to the people who have left me comments!)
not!blah: Strahd is starting a new game today, very casual, anyone can drop in and out, creating characters and possible beginning play at Ketina and Ronelyn's. I'll be getting there a bit late as they're starting at 1pm and I get off work at 1pm and will need to get lunch before I head over, but it shouldn't be a problem. However, in order to do this I had to switch days and work a 12 hour shift tomorrow, so that'll be not!fun.
blah blah I love my house blah.
not!blah: For anyone with a Keurig, I have to recommend the Cuisinart model. We bought ours because our previous Keurig (which we got at Costco) was dying, and we got this one on Pinky's recommendation. It is *so* much quieter than the Keurig brand model, and faster, and holds more water *plus* it has a water filter (although I fill it with filtered water from the fridge anyway). The reviews online are hit or miss; apparently some people have had bad luck with it. But Pinky got hers based on a rec from *her* mother, who hasn't had issues, and she hasn't had issues, and so far I really love it. It also has more sizes - 4oz, 6oz, 8oz, 10oz and 12oz, where as the Keurig brand only had 6, 8, and 10lz. Also also it has a hot water button, if you want hot chocolate or something. Yes, it's more expensive by about $50 or $60 depending on which Keurig model you got, but so far I'd have to say it's worth it.
not!blah: I know a lot of people in my circle/on my flist have been having a rough time this week/month/year, so I send *hugs* to everyone who wants them, even if you haven't had a rough time yourself and just want a hug.
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