Saviour for Love: Chapter 6

Sep 19, 2011 19:49

Pairings: YunHo/JunSu, ChangMin/TaeYeon
Genre: Angst, Drama, Fluff, Humour, Romance
Rating: Pg-13
Disclaimer: My plot and words
Warning: It has been too long since the last time I updated this fic so, enjoy! ^^
Summary: JunSu seeks a help from his Cupid best friend, YunHo to teach him the ways of getting his dream girl to date, but little less does he know of what'll he actually get
Length: Chaptered (Completed)

Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 (Final) : In the end we're in love and that's what matters


“So, what happened yesterday?”

It’s Saturday and it’s the day when ChangMin will come over to his and YunHo’s shared apartment for some ‘cousin-bonding time’. They’ve been doing this ever since ChangMin decided to move almost half a year ago to another apartment and lives with his course mate KyuHyun and MinHo instead of living with YunHo and him, since the new apartment is practically closer to his cousin’s family home. Shim ChangMin is a mummy’s boy, that’s for sure.

JunSu takes 2 cans of soda drinks before plopping down to the couch, giving one to the said boy.

“Tell me about your date with TaeYeon, with details!” He grins excitedly.

If there’s anything more amused, it has to be how red-faced ChangMin turns just as he mentions about his first love’s name and their supposed first date. Now, where’s his camera when he needs it the most?

“, we went to her father’s ramen shop.” ChangMin says shyly.

“Wow! Already meeting the parents?! You’re sure fast, Shim ChangMin! Hyung is proud of you! Kkk...”

“Yeah whatever.” ChangMin waves a hand before taking big gulps of the soda drink.

“So, have you two done it?” JunSu innocently asks.

“JUNSU HYUNG! T-THAT!” ChangMin splutters.

“Aw, ChangMinnie is shy!” JunSu snickers. “I was asking if you two have kissed not whatever your perverted mind is thinking.”

His laugh doubles when ChangMin shoves him, face turns a shade darker. “We’re still getting know each other. And no, we haven’t kissed yet. Satisfy?”


JunSu snickers again until ChangMin practically whips a cushion onto his face. There’s a short pause before they both break into a loud laugh. It’s only after a while they finally stop laughing when the doorbell rings and JunSu punches his taller cousin’s shoulder lightly before opening the door to see it’s the pizza delivery man. He thanks and pays the man and quickly plops down back to the couch.

“Eat ChangMinnie, my treat!”

The said boy mutters a ‘thanks’ before hurriedly bites down a slice. JunSu is halfway through his own slice when ChangMin pops the question.

“You’re glowing. Why are you even glowing?”

“I glow?” JunSu giggles innocently.

“Yeah, you’ve this like rays of light emitting from you.” ChangMin’s hands move animatedly as he frowns, suspicious. “Have you been drinking that weird liquid EunHyuk Hyung gave you last month? If you’re, I’m so going to tell YunHo Hyung about this, though he’s the one who suffered when you went up that whole week without sleeping. You’re crazier than a crazy man should be!”

“No I didn’t!” JunSu huffs, arms crossed over his chest. “That one week wasn’t going to be a repeat! I slept like a dead man for another whole week just because of that. I even missed watching our college’s soccer’s final. And I’m still feeling bitter about it. And I’m so not going to be EunHyuk’s lab’s rat again!”

ChangMin snickers. “May the force be with him. That guy has too much brain cells for his own good.”

They both share another laugh before JunSu notices his cousin is looking down at him with interested gaze.

“What?” He asks.

ChangMin smirks. “So, finally have some progress with your plan to seduce YunHo Hyung? Had he jump on you yet?”

“ChangMinnie!” JunSu loudly exclaims with wide eyes and turns red-faced soon after, promptly hiding his face behind his hands. “Well, we’re together now.”

“Wow,” ChangMin is all but excited. “I thought it’s going to take the two of you forever.”

JunSu takes a deep breath before taking his hands off his still blushing face.

“It was after you left with TaeYeon. He found me and asked me questions and we confessed. Sort of, I said he’s the one I’m in love with and he kissed me right then.”

“Wait! Tell me from the start!”

YunHo smiles to himself as he sits up leaning against the tree. He’s silent, not wanting to disturb anything, not now at least. JunSu is absent-mindedly playing with his long fingers. The other seems to have some infatuation with his fingers, not that he minds. It’s a long coming, their love story that is. But he has nothing to regret. Everything is now crystal-clear. The one he loves for a long time is now here beside him.

“What are you thinking about?” YunHo asks after a while as he nudges the silent lad in front of him who’s looking like he has something big occupying his mind with.

JunSu shakes his head lightly. “Nothing big. It’s just that it seems surreal, you know? An hour ago you’re my best friend studying together in the library, and now you’re my boyfriend talking together under your favourite tree.”

“We’ve been running in circles all these years. Looking back, we could have been into a marathon together.” JunSu looks up to find YunHo grinning at him, showing perfect white teeth.

JunSu grins back, eyes twinkling. “It looks like we’re winning this.”

YunHo actually has the decency this time to scan the area for any presence of people (they’ve been found by the gardener whose mouth hanging open at the intensity of their previous ‘little’ kiss scenes) before leaning in to kiss the awaiting lips. “Absolutely Su, without a doubt.”

“And that’s all?” ChangMin is all but asking with an incredulous look on his face.

JunSu smiles dreamily, apparently unaffected with ChangMin’s expression. “Yeah, what’s more? We already know each other’s feeling.”

“Well yeah, but after that? You know, when both of you arrived home together, so anything happened?”

His eyes eventually narrow, obviously dislikes the way ChangMin playfully wiggles his thick eyebrows with a wide smirk plasters on his lips. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

An amused chuckle echoes inside the apartment. “Depends.”

“Well for your information, my annoying cousin, Yunnie and I aren’t perverted like you.” JunSu scowls. “We got back like usual, bathed like usual, had dinner like usual, studied like usual and went to our own bed like usual. This morning we woke up like usual too, bathed like usual too, ate breakfast like usual too, Yunnie went to the library as usual too, and you’re here as usual too. There’s nothing less and definitely nothing more.”

“What?” JunSu irks when his tall cousin smirks.

“Your love story is lame. Both of you met long time ago, love since long time ago, and when both of you are together now, there’s nothing juicy happen? Oh God, did you even say the three sacred words?”

“We didn’t.” JunSu replies coolly before taking another bite of his pizza.


He shrugs his shoulder, failing to notice the shocked look on his cousin’s face. “We didn’t say ‘I love you’.  Well, I was sort of half saying it.”

“And that’s okay with you? I mean, you’ve been waiting quite a few years to hear YunHo saying those three words to you.” ChangMin prods gently.

“It doesn’t matter now. Of course I want to hear those three words from him that I can’t deny.” JunSu smiles fondly. “You know, though Yunnie is the famous Cupid in our college helping others with their problems, he’s still that man who can’t express his feelings well into words. So he shows what he feels through his action instead. It means nothing less whenever I look into his eyes. He loves me, and that I know is true.”

There’s a moment of silence before JunSu turns to see ChangMin grinning over his shoulder.

“You can now start thinking if you should write a romance novel instead of wanting to be a psychologist, you know?”

He punches the taller lad’s shoulder again and the two share another laugh when a low thud of the door awakes them from their own world. JunSu looks over his shoulder to see that it’s none other than his best-friend-now-boyfriend standing at the door watching them.

“Hey Min.” YunHo greets the other with a smile and the other replies with another smile from the couch.

“Hey back, Hyung.”

“Hey Su.” YunHo smiles wider upon greeting the lad and it takes another 2 seconds before he’s now having a bouncy and very much excited JunSu in his arms.

“Yunnie! Welcome back home!”

YunHo gently wraps his arms around the bubbly man’s waist and shifts to press a soft kiss above his head. JunSu sighs happily, head now resting on the other’s broad chest loving the sound of the strong and steady heartbeats inside. They’re both lost in their own world now.

ChangMin tears his eyes off the just-get-reunited couple, sighing and missing TaeYeon already. His eyes widen at the name and it’s then when he remembers to meet her at the ramen shop. Her father wants him to be there for some new recipes testing, he’s sure it must be influenced by the comments he gave to Mr. Kim yesterday.

Plus, he can score some points more from Mr. Kim. That, and he’ll be in the fastest track straight to the Kims’ approval.

He snickers evilly, already imagining the defeated faces almost half of the college’s boys when he shows up with TaeYeon next to him holding hands. Oh yeah. Who said nerds never win the pretty girl’s heart? This is Shim ChangMin to the Max baby!

“Uh, ChangMinnie?”

JunSu cautiously calls out his cousin whose face now nothing less than the mixture of Lord Voldermort and Darth Vader, snickering evilly like a mad scientist. Actually his cousin sounds like EunHyuk’s crazy laughter now. He shudders.

“Yunnie,” He nudges the tall man in front of him. “ChangMinnie is looking weird right now.”

The said man takes a quick glance at the self-snickering boy on the couch before returning his full attention back to JunSu’s worried face.

“You shouldn’t let him hanging out with EunHyuk anymore. That friend of yours is a dangerous hazard to us mankind. And don’t let me begin with that little incident when you’re awake for a week and slept like a sleeping beauty the next week. Thank you but I suffered enough.”

JunSu huffs, pulling himself out of YunHo’s wrapping arms around his waist and pouts for a good measure. “Huh! Thanks for letting me know that you hate taking care of me at that time!”

He turns around, wanting to flee from the other man when there’s a hand fast to tug him on the wrist and turns him back. He not-so-subtly glares at the man with his arms crossed over his chest in annoyed manner.

“What now? Are you going to apologize and kiss me until I’m breathless?”

“I don’t know this boyfriend of mine is a psychic with sixth sense but yeah, that’s what I’m going to do now.”

JunSu is still trying to process those words when YunHo catches him off-guard as he steps towards his personal space, one two three until he feels YunHo’s arms encircling his waist possessively, his own eyes widen in surprise as he feels warm lips kissing him deeply. His heart is skipping beats when YunHo leans his head to the side while brushing their lips, trying to find closer connection.

He lets out a soft gasp trying to find at least an inhaled enough of air, unaware of his innocent action makes YunHo to take it as a sign to elevate the intensity of their kiss a notch higher. The kiss turns more passionate as their mouths explore each other and JunSu guesses nothing else really matters now.

He can barely holding back a whimper down when YunHo pulls back and unconsciously takes his oxygen supply away.

“You just don’t get it, don’t you?” YunHo breathes out against his lips and he hardly concentrates at the words said when his eyes are particularly fixed at the movement of those ardent lips.

“Of what?” JunSu replies in breathless whisper.

YunHo fixes a firm look. “I was so worried when you didn’t even sleep a wink during that week and more so than afraid when you slept all the way through the other week. I was terrified, Su. It’s like you wouldn’t wake up. I suffered. I was restless waiting for you to wake up because I wanted to be the first person you’d see. And, I wanted to make sure you wouldn’t die in your sleep before I can properly say those three words to you. And I still need to kiss you when you’re making adorable face like this.” He adds after a pause. “If you still want me to apologize, I’ll do it. I’m sorry, Su. For those words I can’t express clearly to you, and for those misunderstandings, I’m sorry.”

Something soars inside him the moment YunHo says that and he can’t help but to smile enthusiastically at the taller man and before he even notices it, there’s a trail of happy tears escapes and flows down his cheek. “I love you Yunnie! I love you, Jung YunHo!”

That, and JunSu watches as YunHo’s face breaks out into a wide euphoric smile of his own with an affectionate kiss lands on his forehead then.

“I love you too Su, so much that I can’t say with words.” YunHo keeps his smile as he wipes the remaining tears off JunSu’s face. “Though I may not say this often in the future, I’ll always love you. My heart belongs to one Kim JunSu with no expiry date!”

JunSu laughs at that cheesy outburst before pulling the smiling man for another mind-blowing kiss. They only break apart when there’s a forged coughing sound not too far from where they are, specifically from the couch and one vey bothered looking lad.

It seems that they get a little too carried away and forget about JunSu’s younger cousin is still there with them.

ChangMin rolls his eyes at the two men in front of him, one is fast hiding his face while the other is awkwardly scratching his head. Apparently they’ve the decency at this time to blush shyly than the time they’re trying to eat each other’s lips.

He scoffs. “Wow, so I see you two finally realised both of you aren’t the only people in this house after a full 15 minutes of confessing and kissing.” He leers. “Like we can call what the two of you’re doing as kissing when I believe the exact word is eating-each-other-lips-and-stealing-oxygen.”

JunSu’s face turns bright red at the remarks and promptly hides behind YunHo’s taller form. The latter in the other hand just smiles and shrugs, ignoring the evident sarcasm in those words to savour the warmth on his back.

“You two are helpless! Gosh, first you’re so oblivious. Now you’re obvious, too obvious in fact! Oh my innocent eyes!”

YunHo and JunSu watch as ChangMin sighs in a dramatic manner with a posed hand on his chest. They share a look before grinning mischievously at the oblivious lad.

Two minutes and 35 seconds later, Shim ChangMin is already outside the apartment staring at the closed door with wide trembling teary eyes.

“How dare them to kick me out?! This was my home too! Was, but still!”

He sniffs loudly before fleeing from the crime scene with the stolen pizza box (he’s still a food ninja by the way) and a phone clutched to his ear with a particular ID on the screen.

“TaeYeon! I was bullied!”

Watching such sight from their peephole, YunHo and JunSu laugh until their eyes get teary and YunHo’s long arms suddenly sliding around JunSu’s waist again.

“What now?” JunSu asks, looking more than amused now.

YunHo slyly grins. “Shall we continue what we previously have been disturbed of?”

JunSu sends a solid punch on the grinning man’s shoulder before pulling the man again for another session of eating-each-other-lips-and-stealing-oxygen.

Yeah, so they’re now together and in love. What more do they need? Well maybe they’ll need some protection against EunHyuk’s crazy experiments and ChangMin’s snarky attitude, but that’s fine as long as they have each other. Together they can overcome every obstacle in their pathway.

Oh yeah, don’t forget happily ever after too.


A/N: Yes people, this will be the last chapter for this fic. Thank you readers for reading this and commenting! *bows* I hope you do like the ending. LOL *runs*

genre:drama, genre:angst, genre:fluff, genre:humour, length:chaptered, genre:romance, type:fanfic, pairing:hosu, fanfic:saviour for love, author:blueplue_hotaru, rating:pg-13, pairing:changtae

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