Title: Rainy Days
Genre: angst
Rating: G (?)
Length: drabble
Summary: Thoughts of a depressed someone. You can choose whoever it is :)
Disclaimer: I ain't owning nothing, bro!
A/N: I am trying to get rid of all my drafts xD that's why there are so many updates~
Don't even think of getting used to it :3
Rainy Days
The rain is pouring down outside my window. Even the skies are depressed. Just like me.
Here I sit in front of my window, writing songs again and thinking of you.
Why do I still feel so empty? It has been so many years now and I just want to forget…
But I can’t. I won’t forget you because you are still my other half- no matter what happens.
Here I go again. Crying my eyes, my heart out to you, who is so far away.
Will we see each other again?
Why does the weather seem to always suite my mood…?
Being dark, gloomy and rainy.
A/N: Tbh.. I thought of Jae while writing this.. so it is kinda from Jae's perspective :D