Title: Jiji
Length: Drabble
Genre: humor
Rating: G
Pairing: tiny bit of YunJae
Disclaimer: I ain't own nothing but having a cat like Jiji would be nice~
A/N: Just a short drabble about Jiji and it's thoughts
Why is my master such an idiot?
Even after having me for such a long time he still tries to dress me in those ridiculous outfits.
I’m a cat, you stupid human, not a dress up doll!
Seriously. Ever after he and master Yunho got back together he has been so lively that it actually sometimes sickens me.
Still better than being depressive the whole time and reeking of alcohol.
Even though he and the other masters are happy now there is something I am not happy about at all…
I am talking about their mating ritual that occurs every night, and sometimes during day times, and it sickens me.
It is something I would like to not see.
Seeing other cats during mating period is hot. I mean, free porn~
But humans? Definitely not!
Damn it. They are at it again…!
I should hide my diary now. Yes, I can write. What? Did you think we cats are dumb???
We are NOT!
We are small cute soldiers that just wait until you are not careful and then we will rule the world!!!
We are way more powerful than you think~
Anyways. I should hide. They are doing it in the kitchen again. Ew.
Jiji out!
A/N: I don't even know when and why I wrote this but it's kinda funny.. lol