I'm gonna start with the diet shit 'cause that's boring and I don't wanna be an asshole, posting first about the interesting bit and then BAM! HA! It's BORING now! So if you ain't interested, scroll down. A LOT.
I'm not currently happy with my weight. Over the last year I have gained back what I had previously lost (in the year prior). And I feel it. And it feels not pleasant. I don't like it, so I will change it. Lucky for me, there's a new diet-plan thing we're supporting at the pharmacy! Yay! First off, I hate the whole "magic pills" bullshit. If I have to take it (pills) forever, if it doesn't change my eating habits permanently (or at all, in some cases advertised), it isn't going to really work. But please understand; I am very awful with regards to personal discipline and self-denial. A structure, a set of SOLID rules is extremely helpful. Something I can hold myself accountable to.
Now, some of you might know that I recently "quit" smoking. How is that going, you ask? Uh... not that well. I went 72+ hours without a cigarette at all. Then I had one. One because I really want to have moderation rather than elimination. I carried my smokes with me the full three days because I knew if I didn't, I would get mad at myself. I needed to say "I *choose* not to smoke" rather than "I *can't* have a smoke." Anyway, so I've snowballed back to smoking almost as frequently as I used to. I don't know if I'm addicted so much as I hate to deny myself the pleasure I get from the cigarette. And this is where the present tangent rolls back into the prior diet discussion; without rules, I have the hardest damned time saying "no" to wonderful treats like cookies and ice cream and french fries and bagels and all that wonderful, awful stuff. Also, the three days without a smoke engendered in me a bout of confidence: I *can* restrict myself.
SO! The diet sounds very cruel. Well, at least it does if you don't know what hCG is. The diet itself consists of a mere 500 calories a day. No carbs, no fats. At all. Well, two pieces of melba toast count as carbs, and we're supposed to eat a small bit of protein (50g of lean meat - precooked weight). Anyway, point is: OMFG 500 cal is NOTHING!!! How am I not going to shut down, feel hungry and exhausted 24/7, and destroy my body's muscle tissue and bone structure?! That's the hCG. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. (biased website "promotion" here:
http://www.hcgdietdirect.com/ ) Basically, in a really boiled-down nutshell, hCG tells your body to get energy from stored fat. So, not eating any fat means, with the hormone supplement, all your energy is provided from your fat stores. And, surprisingly, I'm not hungry. Really. Or tired. I *am* thirsty as all hell though. Still, on 500cal a day, a drastic drop from my typical diet of (who knows? I eat like a piggy) ought to be making me feel weak and tired. And it isn't. I mean, I get an occasional hunger pang, but it goes away within a few minutes (and has so far happened approximately an hour before I eat).
Point is, it helps you train your metabolism to process foods in a healthier way. The "training" takes a minimum of 2 weeks. After that, with a re-set metabolism, all one has to do is continue a daily weigh-in. If your weight goes up, cut fat and calories from your diet for a day or two and the target weight will be maintained.
So. Target. What's the goal here? Um... I don't have one. I'm actually borrowing my sister's scale. I'm not the type that weighs myself... mostly I am as curious as the doctor whenever they take my weight for their chart. I want to feel good in myself, I guess that's the goal. To be honest, I'm somewhere between 70-100lbs overweight, depending on how you measure "healthy" weight (I have always thought the government's list was about 10lbs too light for me. with my bone structure, I would be gaunt at 140lbs. Trust me, I looked good at 165.) I highly doubt that I will lose more than 30lbs in the next 40 days (if I do the longer version, shorter is 23days), *if* that - and people keep telling me to expect massive loss. Pun. Intended. But I'm not *really* hoping for more than ten lbs or so. Anyway. Digression. Anyway. I might do the diet/supplement a few times (they recommend breaks between them, not to exceed 40 days on the diet) to lose more if I want to. but really I just want to feel good again.
Well, so here we are. Numbers game! Starting off at 246lbs! Go!
("Before" photo coming soon!)
I've lived in and paid mortgage on my house for three years now. Almost 3.5, at the end of it; I'm moving out and into a place with my Jen Jenny! <3 I... I am speechless, really. I never EVER thought I would find someone I loved that loved me back. And to be so good together, so good for each other... It has been a year and a half together and I still get butterflies in my stomach when I get to see her. I am ready, I *know* I am ready to start our life together. Our own little, gay as hell family. :D The date is set! Mark your calendars! July 1st (or thereabouts) I will be as close to married as two fags in Colorado can GET!