im tired and babysitting. surprise surprise. but money is money and money is needed and yada yada yada im done talking about money.
what i would like to talk about is how i am tired. which i guess i already did. haha- and i used to want to be a writer as a career?! what a joke.
in dorky news, molly an di stayed up until 1 last night watching buffy the vampire slayer on and i have a problem- i cant stop wanting to watch more. haha i know it sounds lame and btvs just sounds outlandish and immature and ridiculous, but its actually a witty show and you can shove your judgment of my girlish ideals and grip on a happy time in 1996 when life was easy and tv was still shocking in a good way...i guess.
not to have a totally girly moment, but my hair has maaaaajor split ends and nees a hair cut bad! kay said her mom cuts hair, which is the kind of thing im looking for as far as the limited budget goes. its boob level now and i want it back to between tits and shoulders lol. and if only it would darken back up. i fried it this summer in the sun 24/7, and i have nothing but frazzled ends to shwo for it. my skin is paling again and the tanning bed isnt an option due to... lack....of....funds.... im seeing a pattern here. although, i really wanna stop going to the tanning bed. i never got orange or tanorexic- it was more of an endorphin release addiction i developed. but i really am looking kinda pale these days. if only we werent in hurricane bs weather now and the sun was out and happy.
i cant lie though- the approach of autumn atleast is making me thrilled. its my favorite season because it reminds me of halloween and that feeling you get when you breathe in cold air and your lungs crack. its exhilarating.
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i dont know. ive been tossing around this idea of love lately. im not really sure im cut out for it. all i really am is lonely tonight.
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more later.