[Written late, near midnight. Luna had decided to leave her name out of this, but unlike with The Periodic Inquiry, she did not bother with an alias. There would surely be people who knew her loopy handwriting well enough to recognize it upon sight, but really, she had little care for hiding at the moment.
She only wondered if the late-night ravings of a loon would do any good.]
So much disdain, horror and fear has been expressed over the last week. I'm glad to see it. But really, what can your words do?
It's been the same thing for so many years. Our decisions are made for us, and we cry and complain, we bemoan the injustice and tragedy of our lives. And yet nothing changes. At last, we see the true intentions of Rudiger Shingleton. Those who didn't know the truth about the Registry would only be deaf and illiterate to not know it now. The programme is inefficient and severely flawed. It is designed to protect us from our greatest enemies, but it relies on prejudice and fear rather than fact and evidence. Those who fought hardest to end the Dark Lord's reign are held in the very same negative light as those with proven criminal records. Our attention is focused on our FRIENDS, while we are still attacked by those with true malicious intent. How many have died at the jaws of Fenrir Greyback in the last six months? Who was watching the men and women
who killed a friendly custodian, and put an innocent man in the hospital;
vandalised a woman's bookshop simply for supporting business in Britain; or
publicly slandered a family's name?
I do not allege that all Registered individuals are completely innocent, just as I would not allege the same of the unregistered. My point is that the Registry is a vehicle of hate, inefficient and severely flawed. Shingleton has not protected us; instead, he has made us more vulnerable. These are our LIVES with which he plays, and we gladly allow it.
The important thing is this: Shingleton is not our Minister. It is time we show the Ministry of Magic that we are ready to select one. No more silent cries, the Ministry will not hear them. It is time for action. The Ministry needs to SEE us. Go there, actually go there. Crowd the halls so that workers cannot get to their offices. Flood the lines. The Ministry worries about the resources used to keep up the Registry. Demand to add your names; demand to be placed on Level I status. Show them that we stand united as a country, and they do not have the resources to shackle us all.
If they turn you away, go back. Go back every morning. You have businesses to maintain; shut them down. Let the flow of money stop. Your money is the government's money, and without you the government cannot function.
Send letters. Flood their letterboxes. Send howlers. Keep the owls in the air all day, and all night. Every day, and every night.
Do not leave your comments here. Tell the Wizengamot how you feel. If you want change, they must hear you.
They must hear us.
The message:
We want an election.