[Private to Terry]
Perhaps you were right.
[Private to Tonks]
I'm in shock. The Ministry will
never learn, will it? How is this going to protect anyone - if anything, it makes us more vulnerable! I want to do something... more than has been done. More than I'm doing. But what?? Do you think it's too late to - no that won't work... or possibly as if the Ministry has listened before....
Don't mind me, I thinking aloud. Or visibly, anyway.
I want to take action, that's what I want to do! But what? Little seeds, that's what Miss Chesilwick said, but it takes so long for them to grow. This needs to be fixed, now.
And now I've filled up your journal with absolutely nothing.
In any case, I'd love to hear - read - what you're thinking.
[Private to Self]
I... have to think.