(no subject)

Dec 14, 2010 17:36

Dear Selfish Fuck,

The next time you feel suicidal, maybe you could do the decent thing and dispose of yourself quickly and quietly in one of teh time-honoured fashions. Slitting your wrists, for example. Or an overdose. Or a good old fashioned hanging. I understand they all work pretty well. In fact, probably a lot better than throwing yourself off a bridge which really isn't very high to begin with.

You will note that these methods all have one thing in common: they do not entail shutting down a city while a jobsworth police constable shouts at you through a loud-speaker to tell you that you have plenty to live for. Which is a lie, incidentally. Because the jobsworth doesn't know you, and doesn't care why you're up there, as long as you don't jump, because that would create an awful lot of paperwork.

You also wouldn't be stranding any poor bastards in their workplaces. Poor bastards who probably have depression themselves, who have had to suffer sexual abuse, and uproot themselves from their lives, and havce really had a truly awful day sorting out other people's shit, and would appreciate NOT having to be STUCK WITH NO FUCKING FOOD!!!!

Just a suggestion. Selfish fuck.

Yours in Ernest,

Me. Sad, lonely little me.
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