West Wing a plenty plus Discworld, Lost and Chrestomanci

Jan 16, 2005 02:31

the West Wing

Josh and Sam
Waiting for the Big Boom by Sabine
Sam and Josh meet for the first time in jail.

"You're smart, for a kid," Josh said, as if he'd just decided it.
"I'm just a dumb kid like you are," Sam said. Josh waved a hand.
"Don't even try and pull that bullshit on me, I know you walk around thinking you're smarter than 95% of the population and wishing they'd just shut the hell up."
"Takes one to know one," Sam said.

You and Me in a Rowboat to Rio by Punk and Sabine
It´s funny with a tiny sheen of angst underneat and ultimately hopeful. Sam gets a paid vacation in Florida. Josh gets to come along after a cactus bribe.

Chance to Make it Real by S.N.Kastle
It has a very pretty layout. The times they do it wrong and the time they got it right. Lovely.

You and Me of the 10,000 Wars by Violet and Ellen M.
Sam´s story, really, but great characterisation of the lot. I like it because it´s long, well written and the end makes me grin like the end of «Let Bartlet be Bartlet».

The Best Idea Ever by Candle Beck
Washington DC´s having a heat wave, so of course Josh´s electricity is dead, and Josh is completely dazed. I love it because it makes me feel like I´m in a heat wave while it´s snowing outside. It´s also pretty funny.

Seaborn for America by Speranza
Because it´s Seaborn for America, dude. I like the pace of it. I can practically see the characters getting more and more jittery and excited and grinning like crazy people.

Gen and various

A Family Thing by valentine
Josh´s dad was an alcoholic. As is Leo. gen.

When we weren´t speaking by penelope and august
When Josh thinks of Joey, it´s Kenny´s voice he hears.

A Strange Spot in the Sky by Luna
Will goes to California with Sam.

The Legend of Ed & Larry by Dafna G
Hee. Ed and Larry figure out how to make themselves seperate from the herd.

He Shall, from Time to Time by the Spike
Leo and Lord John Marbury have sex, and it´s good and a little quirky.

Five Stories Never Filed by Danny Concannon by Julian Lee
They´re all good, but personally I´m partial to the Josh/Danny part which riffs off the already cute «goldfish» bits of canon.

José Cuervo, or How Will Bailey Stopped Worrying and Started Dating a Republican by aerye
Will´s got a confusing morning after to deal with. Much with the fun.

Bridge the Schism by Jae, Luna and Lydia

Gen, but will apparently turn slash in the third and final part.

The New Guy by Priya Deonarain
Will is getting hazed, but he´s got Charlie in his corner. gen.

Better Angels by Laura Shapiro
When Leo wants a drink, which is every day of his life, and every hour of every day, he thinks of Jed's hair. gen.

A cup of Joe, and Leo by Abigail
Sam and Leo discuss things over a cup of coffee. gen.

Because of a Cigarette by Sary
...and a conversation with an idiot. Leo and Jed. gen.

The Other Half of my Soul by Sheila VR
The first lady is kidnapped. Excellent, episode-like story. Excellent characterizations all around as well. A lot more action than the title makes it sound. het/gen. (thanks to Nomad for the link!)

Reliquary by Marguerite
President Bartlet gets a gift with a human finger inside. Gen, political.

The One He Chooses by valentine
Charlie follows the Orphan Drug´s Act for a more personal reason than the White House staff knows, then Sam gets involved. gen, political.

Such Mortal Drugs by Marguerite

"It needs to be the last, and I mean the absolute last, resort.» gen, political.

The DOD by E. E. Beck

Sam has a new year´s resolution, the rest of the staff joins in. It made me smile. gen.

Thin Margins by CretKid
citing the summary: Oil tankers are not getting where they are supposed to, and the Administration is under the gun (pardon the pun) to come up with a solution. gen, political. Like reading an episode of the show. I liked it a lot, although I skimmed past the most, uh, fact-filled paragraphs.

Retaliation by Scott Fenstermaker
citing the summary: The White House tries to hold together a fragile mid-east peace deal while Sam and Ainsley try to nail down a tricky veto statement to a popular bill. gen, political, script. Clever dialogue. I remember it being both funny and dramatic.

VC-25a by Punk and Sabine
citing the summary: CJ, Sam, Ainsley, filet of sole, Toby, a raft, some other
people, and a room with a glass door, in the great tradition of
experimental dinner theater. gen. Very funny and quipp-y.

On the Road to the Real Thing by Roo Maphie
Starts out stronger than it ends, but it´s still good. At the end, I was more than a little tired of the ´let´s show an event/conversation from the point of view of every character ever´thing, but at the beginning it´s interesting to see the story unfold. gen. Mainly Hoynes and Sam.

So it Goes and As Long as there are Stars by Nomad
The origin story of Jed and Abbey. It´s het, but really cute, sweet and funny het, and it´s Jed and Abbey, for god´s sake! It´s lovely.

29 West Wing stories recommended


Odd One Out by intrasonic

Lucy Tockley goes to Anhk Morpork in order to not be a witch, and Vimes is starting to think that maybe, possibly he should do something about all that paperwork... gen. funny, but takes the first chapter to really gear up.


(disclaimer: I know nada of the canon, just the premise. So the recs are based on, well, how much I like them, not characterization.)

Secrets, Angels and Ministers of Grace & Second Opinions by Pip

And Sawyer, looking down at the man sprawled so fetchingly in his lap, has the distinct feeling that somehow or other, he's gotten himself a puppy.

Well, he's always liked puppies.

It´s sweet, angsty and now I want to pat Sawyer and Charlie over the head. slash.


modus vivendi by miskatonic

Cat changes his mind and decides that he kinda likes Tonino. Hijinks ensues. Sort of. slash. I´m not entirely sure I agree with the characterizations, but it´s more a point of view thing, than anything being actually wrong. It´s calm and funny in that special Wynne Jones way.

34 recs altogether.

And there should be a Good Omens archive featuring all the good stuff. And if there is, why don´t I know about it?

People should write more funny and slashy Marauder fic. or Draco and Neville. or Harry and Ron.

And people should archive their fics on something that´s not fanfiction.net, because that´s hell to download from. This especially goes for Discworld and Harry Potter fic, by the way.

Somewhere out there, there´s got to be a good Artemis Fowl story. Possibly an Artemis Fowl AU where Artemis a Slytherin, because, um, then he´d take over the world and be a far more efficient Tom Riddle. ...Well, I think it´d be funny.

There should be more Cat/Tonino fic.

There should be, in fact, more funny, plotty, great dialogue-y, long fics in general! Yeah.
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