feeling groovy!

Jan 21, 2004 09:05

Yayyyyy! I've made it through the first 48 hours digesting only 40 carbs! I have dropped 5 lbs. of pure water weight I'm sure, my intestinal fortitude was definately challenged, I am now the proud owner of a nasty infection to boot-the kind that some associate with bread (yuk!) but my energy is soaring! my caffiene level is lower than it's been (although not completely eradicated-some things take time)in years and I'm feeling pretty damn groovy considering the side effects so far. I will address these issues and keep on fighting the good fight. I am a Buffalo Soldier!!!! well not quite but it seems to be a good rally cry as I am jamming to the reggae channel on my satellite right now. gotta hit the showers-another very cold power walk with Foley this morning. Hey Matty if you read this will you send me any Foley pics you have or post 'em? He is the wind beneath my wings-though often flatulent. Have a great day!
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