countdown to carbaddiction freedom!

Jan 18, 2004 20:03

Well I am getting very excited about this whole Atkins-schmatkins deal. I have succesfully gotten rid of most of the carbalicious items in both pantry and fridge and have Jaohn as a support buddy-we put day-glo stickers on all his high carb food and I have my diary to list my carbs for the first 120 days. My sponsor Sue gave me the thumbs up-so now all that's left is to be like Nike and Just Do It!

It will be a struggle and challenge but I have proven to myself that I can do much harder lifestyle changes-addressing other addictions so this will be okay. The induction phase starts tomorrow, day one. I nibbled on a pit of the kale and parsley that I am going to become very good friends with in the next two weeks-not bad. really not bad at all-if you are a herbivore like a guinea pig. But I am so to speak-an experiment for my own body. Tomorrow I write down all my measurements and lipids count (if I can get the results of my most recent bloodwork from my profile without paying for a damn visit that is). It really sucks having only the kind of insurance that if something horrific happens, like I get hit by a Huskiebus or something, I just pay 4K and the rest is 100% paid. for this wonderous safety I shell out $75.00/month.
But I digress. Oh here's a l'il goodie-John and I sent out our first real hot lead resume and cover letter to an Abbott Labs rep. who is on his way to France-he said it's a long shot but they do some quality testing there along with the sales amd marketing of their products-who knows. I really love what I've learned about them so far and am excited that we are getting there!!!! We also got our mug shots done for passports this week. I will scan them in here once we have that hooked up. we are still "nesting" John in.
well. I'm getting ready to go meet John to see Big Fish and enjoy my last movie theatre buttery good popcorn experience. then it all gets serious and really drastic. Watch out pancreas with its "insulin button"----you are about to get a nice long-deserved rest as I cruise towards Ketosis!!!
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