Linux Ordeal

Nov 12, 2006 22:47

Wow. This Linux thing is going to take some effort.

After the comments from ND, I decided to try and get Xubuntu onto the laptop. I glanced at the internet/LAN install information. Whuf. I didn't end up giving it much thought, since my brother suggested another method. I forget what the exact method was, but it was basically, "Run DSL. Install Ubuntu under it."

For that to happen though, I wanted/needed to get DSL running from a USB thumb drive. After much futzing, I got DSL v3.0.1 onto my USB drive. Booting from it through a boot disk worked just fine on my desktop. I go to try it on my laptop and it freaks out. It looks through every possible "sd" drive location it can think of and fails. I try booting Knoppix style like normal to look at the USB drive, but no luck there either. It froze when I plugged in the drive. I thought it might be the touch pad since I know there were BIOS issues with it and USB or some such. I plug in a PS/2 mouse and it does the same thing. *Sigh* After that, I realize the LS120 drive I have was labeled as an "sd" drive, and maybe I could put DSL on that disk, USB style. I still haven't gotten there yet. I'm finally to running 3.0.1 Knoppix style after some Windows crashes and DSL boot failures. What a mess. I don't think I'm getting any farther tonight.

The plus side is, now I have an OS on a 128 MB USB thumb drive.

laptop, linux

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