Sunday I volunteered at the Kohl's Step Up For Kids in the Aon building in Chicago, and while it wasn't quite as much fun as last year (when we were in the stairwell cheering the steppers on) it was still a good time. Only three of us volunteered, but I think that was management's fault as they did nothing to promote it. Next time a volunteer event comes up I'm going to promote the hell out of it. When I was at Elmhurst we always had a good showing. But anyway. Our shift ended at 10:30am so the three of us headed over to the Field Museum and the Shedd Aquarium.
That's Lake Michicgan behind them. The aquarium is literally on the lakefront.
Ignore the red splotch. That's just my hand covering the flash.
I started a Harry Potter fic for
tamlane's "Every Day the 14th" challenge. I feel pretty good about finishing it, since I have clear ideas about what I want to do, but the subject matter is a bit intimidating since I have no practical experience with it. Well, not really. I could get into a bit of TMI on the matter but I'll spare everyone. :P Anyway, it's Hermione/Charle and it has absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever. It's also my first HP fic, so that just adds to the nervousness.
I am love, love, loving the Idol auditions. It's the only part of the show I watch and I love it to death. I just cannot understand how some of these untalented people have the balls to show up. Also, I love how they're convinced that they are the shit and that the judges don't have any idea what they're talking about. No, honey, the judges didn't not pick you because they're threatened by your talent, they didn't pick you because you suck.
Lost is a rerun. I feel gypped for some reason. On the plus side though I get to watch Bones instead of taping and watching later.