Mar 01, 2004 15:55
Today hasn't gone too good so far but hopefully that will change. Right now I have the house to myself, which is good for my headache. I got my mid-term the other day. Choir - A, Algebra 2 - B, US 2 - A, English - B. Sometimes I wish we didn't get grade cards. If I kept thinking that I was doing bad I would try to do better all the time and keep a good grade. When I get good grades and know it I think I can slack off and my grade won't drop really, and then I end up getting C's and D's. Today is my moms birthday. She's at work right now. My dad and little sister just went to get her a cake. I have to stay home and watch my little sister. Except that she's not home right now because she's out at a friends house. So I get to sit home and do nothing until someone comes home and I'm finally allowed to leave. That is, if they get back before my mom gets home. And where is Max? He never came home. He just called and told dad where he was and instead of bitching at him, (like he would do if I pulled something like that) he just said "I thought you were going to help me out today. Okay be home by 8:00." Yesterday I went to my cousins house to celebrate her birthday which was a couple weeks ago, and we all decided that we wanted to go shopping. So we go shopping and my mom buys shoes for Max, Laurel and herself. She buys a bunch of shirts and pants for Laurel and Emily too. I asked for one shirt and she bitched at me about it. I wanted a pair of pants too but I didn't bother even asking her about that because it was twice as much as the shirt. Not that the shirt was expensive or that she even cared about how much it cost. She just started bitching at me saying that I would never wear it so there was no point in buying it. I'm wondering what would make her think that I would never wear it if I was the one picking it out. You'd think I would know what I like. Oh well. I'm not going to give her shit today because it's her b-day. *sigh* I just think it's bullshit that she gets everyone else whatever they ask for but when I ask for something it's out of the question. Well shit. I'm going to go.