Karmic Cycles, Carpet, and Cat Pee

Jun 05, 2008 15:09

So before my father has decided he is going to sell the house he has lived in for 40 years. My sister and her cats lived with him for a number of years up until recently. My dad was not a cat person and took great delight in hissing at them and chasing them around the house. In revenge they would go up into his workshop and pee all over the tile carpeting he had put up there. This went on for years and so of course the carpet had to be pulled up. Apparently cat pee plus carpet glue equals concrete so Clay and I have been spending every available hour up there with hammers and chisels trying to get this manky old carpet and the padding which has fused into titanium off the subflooring so he can put laminate down. It takes one of us a half hour to do a square foot of this stuff - and he is paying us like we're grown ups.

If the carpet hadn't smelled like cat pee he probably could have just put the laminate over the carpet. But alas, his meanness means lots of timely manual labour.

Karma guides again!
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