Jul 21, 2005 21:41
"WHERE IS MY MENORAH!" Screams Jessica
"Ummm....I dont think you have a menorah..." Corbin replies
"OF COURSE I HAVE A MENORAH!! I am jewish, how could i not have a menorah!"
"Ugh...Jessica your not Jewish, your italian and your from new york. this all means your catholic."
"TU SABES NADA!! I am like of direct lineage of Abraham, by grandfather's last name was schnauser."
"No it wasnt..."
"O well it all goes back to the time i was three and i carved a star on the bottom of my foot, and you know."
"O...o yeah. I guess you are Jewish."
Jessica's mom enters the room. "MOM WHERE IS OUR MENORAH!!!"
"Jess, we arent Jewish."
To katy baking Christmas cookies. "Alright, ahve you three made out your christmas lists yet, because you really are running out of time, and if you dont make a list Santa wont know what to bring you."
Katy turns around and sees Emily asleep on the floor, Jenna sitting in the corner of the couch sipping from her flask, and Taryn flipping frantically flipping through all of the holiday catalogs and writing a list that is now about four pages long, and continues to grow.
"Jenna have you finished your list?" Katy asks.
Jenna nods. "can i see it?" Katy asks. Jenna brings the list to her and katy reads out loud. "A pink flask with rhinestones, liquor, wine, and Brandon...Jenna i thik you should add some more stuff to your list like new shoes or lip glosss. you always liked lip gloss didn't you?"
Jenna "Your dumb as Sh**" Jenna says this takes a sip from her flask and passes out.
"Such a nice girl"
Mel C yelling "Happy Kwanza!!!" In an African robe.
*Note due to a general lack of knowledge relating to Kwanza, this is all that is told regarding this storyline*
to marianne tied to a rope (completley leaving out any correlation from the previous episode when she was about to escape) "I AM SO COLD LISA!!! SO COLD!!!"
"dont worrry wandering snowflake so am i, so am i"
"Cant you build a fire or something?"
"I cant build a fire, but i can only build a fire out of snow.....Bark cookie??"
"WAIT...WIAT...WAIT a minute. you can build a fire out of snow, but not a regular fire? isnt that like surviving in the wilderness 101?"
"umm Yes and No. Bark cookie?"
a knock on corbin's door. He goes to the door, the UPS man is there with a massive crate, "Are you Corbin?" he asks. "YEAH that is me!!" he than asks "Can you please sign right here?" "OF COURSE!!!" Corbin than signs and because giddy with excitment over what could be in the massive crate. He does a short jig and than debates about whether or not to open the case. He ultimately decides he does want to, and than walks around the crate unsure of where to begin (we know how corbin is with decisions) and when he finally chooses a corner frantically rips off the bright red paper and tears off the lid of the crate. Allie pops out of the crate and screams "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!"
Corbin "Yeah....so this is awkward..."
Holla Back girl (girl) and Brendan making out. (They both have on santa hats, you know so that this part can fit into the episode)
Jessica comes up "HOLLA BACK GIRL!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING???"
Mandy opens her eyes and pulls away. She pulls the picture of Holla back girl (boy) out of her back pocket and puts the picture up to Brendan's face, she takes a moment to compare the two, and realizes that Brendan is indeed not Holla back girl (boy) so she slaps Brendan, turns around slaps Jessica, kisses the picture and storms off. Bianca suddenly appears and screams "JACQUE!! HOW COULD YOU??" so she slaps him and storms off. Brendan chases after her.
To the rehab christmas party, you know its white, and the food is really bad and the directors are making them all sing christmas carols. No one is really cooperating.
"anyone wnat to go get high??" Manda Panda is asking around the room. She eventually finds a small group and sneak out the back door. Betsy walks in as they are exiting and she is instantly scolded "BETSY!! YOU ARE ON LOCKDOWN RETURN TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW"
Betsy "UGH!!!" as she goes to storm out she grabs the off brand bowl of chocolate off the table and sprints out, she is chased by a horde of employees who catch her, tranquilize her and carry her to her room.
Corbin's door knocks again he goes to answer the door. at the door is standing Adrienne. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" she screams.
"Merry Christmas to you too" He replies with joy.
"Ugh arent you supposed to be in Ohio?" Allie asks.
*TRWOSY06 is entirely fiction, therefore all similarities are purely coincidental for none of these characters are modeled after any facts, so dont get mad, relax and laugh***