Second Chances Chapter One

Jun 15, 2014 18:03

One Spring Day

John Richards awoke to a chilly Thursday morning, the room cold enough that it made him shiver and his bare arm to goose-flesh. The sunny, beautiful and unusually warm spring Wednesday had turned back cold during the night. John opened his eyes, rubbing one with his free hand and then blearily looking out their bedroom window to see a light dusting of snow on the ground.

The younger, yet graying dark haired man knew he should get up and turn the heat back on before his partner roused from his slumber too. Harold Richards rarely, if ever, was one to laze in bed and a frigid room would not keep him there. The cold weather bothered the man’s back and hip so, so much so he could barely move at times, yet the older man never complained, was always up, showered and dressed within the half hour after rising, temperature be damned.

Instead, John just snuggled closer, burying his nose and face in the crook of the neck belonging to the man snoring softly beside him. They had fallen asleep, like every other night, spooned together, Harold on his good side, John’s left arm underneath, the fingers of their right and left hands intertwined.

It never ceased to amaze him that every morning for the two years they had been married the elder Richards had never let that grip go. If John tried to disentangle their fingers his husband just held tighter, even in his deepest slumber. After so many attempts at trying, John had just given up, even the times when his left side had fallen painfully asleep; he had even affectionately started calling it their love lock.

Well this morning was no exception. John just resigned himself to the fact he wasn’t going anywhere, the heat would have to wait. He’d just keep his sleeping mate warm with his own body. With his right leg covering the shorter man's and right arm across Harold’s chest, he pulled his lover even closer.

It was still early, the sun having just come up, an hour or so before they both would get up to start their day. Not enough time to try to sleep again, so John just laid there hugging Harold to him, his right hand lazily running fingers through the soft and thick brown and gray hair covering his spouse’s chest, at times mouthing soft kisses and nuzzling the scarred neck, while dreamily thinking.

Last night, the soft kisses had grown harder, hungrier; their undressing was hurried as their passion mounted, they simultaneously pushed and pulled each other towards their king sized bed, and then fell onto it. They had rutted against each other only a few minutes before he split slicked Harold’s hardened manhood and rolled onto his stomach.

John’s body welcomed the smaller man’s weight upon his back and Harold’s cock as he slowly pushed into him. Harold slid his hands under John's shoulders, grabbing them and pulling himself in gradually until his balls touched his mate's ass, then he waited to move again.

Only after John impatiently urged him on, Harold started making love to him, using his elbows to push himself away and grasping his partner's shoulders to pull himself back in, unerringly hitting John’s sweet spot every time. The older man's rhythm started out slow and gentle, but as the pressure built began going faster and harder with each stroke. Grunting and sweating, calling each other’s name obscenely until John felt the man covering his back tense and spill himself.

Harold rocked slowly into his lover as the spasms lessened. John came hard soon after. His husband's cock and the velvety warmth of his seed spilling into John’s inner walls had brought him off.  It was their usual love-making ritual and the younger Richards loved it, needed it.

Yes there were times Harold wanted his spouse’s cock inside him and John couldn’t refuse him that; it was equally satisfying for the both of them. However, most of the couple's love-making was the younger, stronger Richards being penetrated by his partner that brought them the most intense climaxes. In John’s mind he belonged to his husband and the smaller man lying on top of him, entering him, claiming him was the physical affirmation of that.

John closed his eyes, trying not to shed the tears welling up in them. He was lucky to have all this now; once again he had foolishly thought he knew what the person he loved needed, and then tried to push that person away. If not for Harold’s persistence; Harold trusting his own heart and seeing what was in John’s, not believing what the other man told him; their life now might not have ever been….


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

canon divergence, explicit, ofc, au fic, harold finch, amnesia, harold finch/john reese, slash, grace hendricks, m/m, john reese

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