This is a bitchy rant about work so don't read it if you have no desire to hear me bitch

Jun 06, 2009 18:31

It's all under a cut so people who don't want to read don't have to.

First.  Ow.  What the fuck is up with my finger?  I cut the knuckle somehow and it's sore and gross.

Second.  What the fuck is with me always getting stuck with the fucking morons who don't know how to do even the most basic of things at work.  HELLO PEOPLE!  I'VE ONLY BEEN WORKING HERE FOR TWO MONTHS AND I ALREADY KNOW WAY MORE THAN YOU.  Anyone else think something's wrong with this picture?

I don't give a shit if you've been trained properly or not.  If you've been working there for six months, a year, you're SUPPOSED to know more than me.  You shouldn't be asking me what to do.  You have had ample time to learn the proper methods and such.  I shouldn't have to teach you when I'm supposed to barely know myself.

And what happens when I work my fucking ass off all day, getting literally swamped by 6 customers all wanting something different at once and deal with a stupid fucking co-worker who doesn't know what the fuck he's doing and comes to me when he can't answer a basic question that he should know the answer to easy?  I GET NOTHING.

NO I don't care if I'm EOTM (employee of the month).  I don't give a flying fuck if I get anything special.  I just want a "Good job today Amanda.  You worked really hard."  Considering I'm the only one fucking doing anything in the department I think it's worth a "Good Job."  But instead I get swamped and torn in pieces.  I miss breaks (Cause yeah I missed one of my 15's today which doesn't sound like a big deal but in an 8 hour day of morons and asshole customers it is) and when I ask if someone can cover me for fifteen minutes it sounds like they think I'm a moron for even asking to begin with.

The customers totally didn't help today.  I'M SORRY if your daughter's pregnant and can't lift a barbeque box by herself.  Does she not have anyone in the world she can ask besides mommy and daddy?  Excuse me but I'm a weak, unathletic person and I can't lift a barbeque box by myself either and I'm sorry.  MOST PEOPLE CAN'T.

I'm sorry if you've been there for a half hour but y'know what?  I'm trying.  You caught me when I was working with one of the stupidest morons in the department!  I'm sorry he can't problem solve for himself and I have to do his job and mine.

I have no sympathy for impatient customers.  Aww muffin.  You've been waiting for a whole fifteen minutes?  Well I just ran across this store about ten times because I'm the only one doing anything, answering phones, and so on.  Not to mention that but I have to read a full book by monday for my summer class and Oh yeah, I haven't had lunch yet.  So shut the fuck up and take a chill pill.  At least you don't have to do this all day.

It's not as bad as I make it sound.  I'm just annoyed that I got stuck with the most useless people all day AGAIN.  Like I ALWAYS do.  I do get better shifts than almost everyone in my department and I really do like working there but I swear I'm this close to smacking everyone who does shit all while I bust my ass.


rant, work

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