I'm falling apart

Jun 04, 2009 22:42

I was totally getting better from my head cold.  I really was and BOOM!  Now I'm ill again.  I don't know what it is.  I have no appetite for anything at all.  Not even the things I love the most.  This really fucking sucks.  I don't know what it is.  Every time I eat something my stomach gets upset.  Sometimes it's a matter of minutes sometimes it's an hour or so later.  And sometimes my stomach is just upset for no goddamn reason at all.

And what doesn't help this is how needlessly hot it is at work.  It's friggin boiling and our vests are heavy and they have me working around dusty shelves and cleaning.  Meanwhile I'm up on the ladder on top of the shelves pretty much ready to keel over.

Adding on to the eating thing, I've been trying to eat healthier too.  And I have been.  A lot.  And regardless of what it is it's making me sick.  I had a Pita Pit Pita today with all these healthy delicious veggies in it and it was whole wheat and I got home, ate it, and felt sick.  I had a snack at work, some crackers, a little bit of candy (cause vending machines fail at healthy), and a 7up (again, vending machines) and my stomach is upset again.  It's been like this for at least a week.  It makes me not want to eat at all but hey guess what, that doesn't help.

I can't live off pepto bismol and flat ginger ale.  I want to be able to drink milk again >_<  Any suggestions?

Now excuse me, I'm off to read a summary of the chapter I just read.


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