Two posts in one day! 8O

Jan 14, 2009 12:20

So I has GMAIL now.  o_O  Someone told me to get it.  Usually I don't get something when someone tells me to (*COUGH*FACEBOOKISAPLAGUEONHUMANITY*COUGH*) but hell I can always use another email lol.

SOOAH HEAD is on the way for meee~  x3  I'm excited.  I didn't expect to buy one so soon but when she offered it to me for only 120$ USD shipping included I was glad I had a little extra put away for a just in case factor.

I gotta see which body he'll be going on.  He's a smallish head so it's gonna be tough.  (Yes He >.>  Sooah boys are hot) Maybe FDoll.  I do like the boy body.  At least the look of it anyway.  I know lots of people don't like it but I like the way it looks.  But we'll see.  Think asian boy.  cause yeah....High school age maybe?  or at least the look of a high school boy lol.

Oh lord I have no eyes for him X_X  or wig!  Well kind of a wig but it'll be too big.  >_<

Blaaaah full of sushi.  Speaking of Sushi, Japan 2010 trip saving is off to a running stop.  xD  NO SPENDING MONEY MANDA!  NO!  BAD!  >.> But the sushi was soooo worth it.

japan, money, sushi, ryo, gmail

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