Jan 22, 2006 12:07
this isnt a survey, its not a chain thing.. this is me... thinking... telling you what i truely believe in (written by me, not stolen like everyone else..)
all the heartache, pain, drama, happieness, sorrow, joy, love, ANYTHING that happens to you... that is you life, your self, its what you, as a human being and an individual, it seperates you from everyone else, makes you different... all the crazyness called life, that molds you, teaches you, and makes you into who you are today... when obsticles come your way, dont run and hide in fear, turn and face them head on.... what doesnt kill you will only make you stronger. dont look back on your life w/ any regrets... if you've lived long enough to regret something... then really... you've got nothing to regret...dont let life hold you down, dont let it swallow you whole...live... live everyday to the fullest, no holding back....love... love, really love, dont hold anything back, life is too short to miss out on true love, yes true love does exsist....learn...learn from the hard times, learn to ask for help when you need it, dont be to proud, learn from your mistakes, learn from others, take in as much as you can, we're only here for a short while... and please.... if you learn anything remember this, dont worry your life away on the small things, on the stupid fights, on fake friends... b/c it all amounts to nothing in the end