Dec 22, 2004 08:50
In school right now. really bored. this is my last day in school for this year. grr. and it isnt even a half day either. which suxs. really tired. going to see chase today which is good. but mom is taking me and it is thorwing me off. i dont like change in certain area's. this being on of them. there are some routines that i just do the same and that is one of them. i like smoking on the way there... and i usually have to smoke on the way back. as of this time period i am not handling emotions very well. we are now playing holiday jeopard. Who brought frosty the snow man back to life? lol i have no idea. who cares. want to sleep. want to get out of here.
but in other matters nutcracker went up well. i did well which with all the shit i put up with i am glad. geezz i was going to kill people soon. ahh i swear some of those ppl wouldnt know hard times if a anvail hit fell on them. i am so tired of the i am a spoiled pricess living a "hard" life..........ahhhhh